
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:19, 13 April 2011 by TheElderOnes (Talk | contribs)
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You know a chance when you see one. Vanessa reaches into the fridge and places the carton of eggs on the upper shelf as you approach her. The moment she closes the fridge door you place your right hand on the back of her head, slamming her face into it. She yelps in pain as you wrap your hand into her hair and yank her head back, suddenly filling with rage.

You pull her along to the counter top, kicking the back of her leg to knock her to her knees. Glancing into her eyes, she sputters out a "What the hell, Megan?!". You put your hands around her throat and squeeze, her eyes going wide and her hands grabbing your wrists. You knee her in the chest to prevent her from attempting to free herself, but she continues prying. Faced with no other alternative, you begin to bash the back of her head into the counter top. Vanessa's eyes wince shut with the first hit, and she struggles to stay conscious.

Inside, your anger continues to build, threatening to cause a psychotic break. In a moment of pure focus, Vanessa's hand slips off your wrist and searches the counter top. Just as she can feel herself beginning to approach that final shadow, she wraps her fingers around a knife, pulling it down. You finally notice the knife in her hand, but by then it's too late. She plunges the knife into your stomach and twists the blade before pulling it out. Almost instantly, your capacity is shattered and a surge of adrenaline fills you. With almost vice-like force, you push together with your hands and can feel her windpipe collapse. Moving your fingers into the back of her neck as hard as you can, a second, louder crunch comes from her neck as her neck is forcibly broken. Calming slightly, your release your grip and allow Vanessa to uselessly slump over to her side.

You stare at your hands for a few seconds, you stare at Vanessa. You don't know what to make of the whole situation, and you look around, hoping nobody was able to see what you did. Of course, nobody did, but you still feel like you were being watched. The kitchen seems eerily silent now, save for the sound of the radio and the quiet hum of the fridge. Just as you go to take a deep breath, you feel a sharp pain in your stomach. You remember that Vanessa stabbed you. The adrenaline had masked the pain, but now it hits with feverish intensity. You fall to your own knees, clutching your stomach. You can feel your blood leaking out, and you begin to get dizzy. Collapsing onto your back, you curse your own low pain tolerance. You feel as if you've failed. You did indeed manage to kill Vanessa, but at the cost of your own life it doesn't seem like such an accomplishment. You feel betrayed. You try to save Vanessa the pain of moving on from you, and she ends up killing you! Jeez, what a bitch! You wonder how Vanessa's parents will react when they come home, how they'll react to what happened, the mess you left behind. For a moment, you even wonder how your own parents will react. Then your mind wanders to the noose left in your closet. Will they be surprised? Relieved? Either way, you see the whole afternoon as a failure. It's all for naught since Vanessa had to be selfish and kill you...

Glaring at Vanessa's dead body and cursing her silently, you go out with a whimper, not a bang.

The End

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