Pokesex/Girl/Kanto/Sneak Downstairs

From Create Your Own Story

You sneak downstairs to catch a glimpse of your mother standing in front of the kitchen sink. You assumed that she was washing the dishes that were used for lunch, but you suddenly remember that she asked you to do it after lunch. Curious at what she might be doing, your sight never left your mother's curvy figure. From where you are standing, you notice she's holding onto a paperback novel that's in front of her face, but your cheeks turn bright red as you observe her free-hand rubbing an area between her crotch. Obviously you caught her a a very vulnerable position.

Do you...

Continue to observe her masturbating as she's reading one of her romantic novels

Feeling a little hot yourself, you begin to mimic your mother's action

Just head outside and leave this awkward moment carefully

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