Charlotte: Decimation

From Create Your Own Story

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The gas station is further than it appeared in the first place. Half way through you start feeling the burning touch of the sun on the back of your head. Some of your minions start screaming.

“Run, it’s our only chance” You scream.

The roasted smell of your own hair reaches your nostrils’ pushing you forward, towards the sweet coldness of the shadow, towards salvation.

You can feel your minions burning, one after the other all around you.

29 left, 28… 26 left …

Only a couple hundred yards left, 20, 19 left…

50 yards left, 8 minions left, your back is burning, you start screaming as well… For a moment you fear even you won’t be able to make it safely to the station. So close…

Three of you reach the shadows. A small man is standing on the porch of the shop.

“What the f…”

Your minions drag him inside. You prevent them from feeding.

“We will need him as a cover.”

You grab the man’s chin and bend its will to yours.

The door of the freezing chamber closes. You greet the invigorating darkness and sleep through the day.

You’ve lived to see the next moon rise. Tonight you take on L.A.


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