Anna: Vampires aren't the only monsters around

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:33, 6 March 2011 by Brai (Talk | contribs)
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You hunger is great but you want to play with your prey.

You slip out of the bag.

The doctor starts to cough.

You slip between the autopsy tables.

She coughs harder bending forward.

You slip behind her back.

You stop. She seems taller. Actually she seems to be growing. She’s not coughing.

You don’t know what she’s doing. Her hair is growing. It's growing all over her body. Her medical blouse seems too small for her shoulder. It breaks.

She turns around and grabs by the neck. The werewolf's yellow eyes stare at you. You try to release yourself the grip is far too tight.

"Poor little thing, tasty little thing..." she says

The beast's muzzle, covered in saliva opens. She's about to strike.

All those year of street fighting have taught you two things:

One is never give up, fight as long as you breathe.

The other one is even if girls don't have testicles a good kick to the crotch will make anything bend and loose control.

With the strength of despair your strike the kick of the year. The beast's grip loosens enough for you to free yourself. You jump backwards away from your opponents claws. You fall between the autopsy tables.

As fast as you can you crawl back on your feet.

The doctor is now a storm of claws, fangs, muscles and fur. And the storm is heading towards you, cutting through the furniture laying around. You turn around and run.

When you run, don't look back, you know why you're running you don't need confirmation. And turning around might make you unaware of potential obstacle that might viciously appear on your path.

You reach the door jerk it out of it's hinges.

The beast is just behind you.

Rush in the hallway.

The beast is still behind you.

You reach a set of stairs and running towards the upper levels, towards salvation.

The beast is right behind you.

You storm the main hall of the police station and reach the door to the street.

The beast is gone.

You run in the night, you run towards your mistress.

Her only reaction:

"Already? Too bad for them, I'll have to take care of this".


AN: Thanks to Terry Pratchett for his theory on running :)

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