Spare Rhonda Price

From Create Your Own Story

"I can't do this. No matter how much of a bitch she's been to me and others in the past...I just can't do this. I just can't shoot someone down in cold blood. Especially not for the sole purposes of proving something that isn't true,"

"Do it Zachy! Prove it!"

"I...I can't," you said with a sigh as you released your powerful grip from the pistol's handle and allowed it to drop harmlessly to the ground. "I jut can't! Its...its not right! This whole things is wrong! How? How can you people even do this? How can you take joy and pleasure from a horrendous event such as this?"

"Tch, how pathetic," snorted the armed guard upon hearing Zach's comment.

"Zachy you fool! If you had just done as I ask...oh well. No matter. Since you will not kill the girl then she will be your burden," said the teacher before withdrawing a metallic cord from his pocket.

"My burden? What is that supposed to mean?" you thought right before the teacher connected the cord to your collar. He then connected the other end of the cord to Rhonda's...

"Oh you've got to be shitting me!" you exclaimed. The teacher merely shook his head before pointing in the direction of the hall way.

"Take your leave Zach Brach. Since you would not relieve that girl of her misery then she is now your burden. If she were to die then you to will die. If you die then she will die. The game just got a lot more interesting don't you think? Now, choose your bag Mr. Brach. Oh and by the way Ms. Price doesn't get a bag. Only you. It wouldn't be fair if you guys started off on the same side with two weapons now would it?"


"Thank you Zach," said Rhonda between sniffs and snuffles. You only glanced at her for a second before immediately turning your head in the opposite direction.

"Wench. Just because I spared you doesn't mean I like you,"

"No problem. Let's get moving," you said as you reached out to take hold of...

Do you:

Character: Zach Brach
Alive: 50 students
Hours Remaining: 72
Weapons Aquired: Pistol
Friends: None
Kills: None... yet

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