Yes, I want to be Gorgor.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:58, 5 March 2010 by Rorotofu (Talk | contribs)

Some 1000 or so stripped elven bodies lay scattered about what now are flaming and smoldering ruins of a once beautiful town on a green hillside. Food, loot and territory gained. The urges are satisfied.

You admire the day and the way the black and orange from the fires emanating from bodies slain, along with the the recently conquered Elven town's structures gleam of your iridescent skin. Reflecting on the day you decide it was a good day of plunder as well as the lounge expanding its territory. Do you head home or look for more of the same. Your army awaits your decision.

Health Normal
Ability Points 10
Score Level:Level 0 Sex:Male Alignment:Chaotic Evil Race:Viletooth Lizardfolk Class:Berserker Assassin Religion:Heathen 9'0 320
Equipment: Iron Wrist and Ankle Bands, Battle Axe, Iron Buckler
Looks:avy muscular build,large-red webbed head fin, massive claws, gold eyes, black iridescent scales...
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