Go into the intelligence room and steal the briefcase

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:37, 11 September 2009 by Bobyourownadventure (Talk | contribs)
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You walk to the right without even daring to look at the guards. You go down a long flight of stairs and finally arrive at a large metal door. you require a key card to open the door but you really don't hav etime for that so you just hack the poorly secured system and walk in. The intelligence room is filled with maps, secret weapons and one large Mother Computer. For the sake of being nosy you begin to get some info from the computer bu suddenly the door slides open ad the RED soldier guard walks in and sees you on the computer.

"You finally got the hang of that computer, eh?"

You don't say anything, fearing that your accent will reveal your idnetity.

"I hope you have those top secret walkig sentries ready to go. A day from now we'll have that BLU fort all thanks to your invention."

You are alarmed at this and begin to wonder if he is lying.

"Course I'd rather crush skulls instead of leaving he job to machines but then again...that's just...me!"

He grips your throat with all of his might and begins squeezing the life out of you. You reach for your swiss army knife and home in on his eye.

He lets out a blood curdling scream and you are forced to finish the job by slitting his throat with the blood stained knife. His screaming stop as he slowly bleeds out onto the floor. you take your disguise as the soldier and to your surprise there are no cameras in the intelligence room.

You climb back up the flight of stairs and see the RED HWG waiting at the top, looking relieved. Instead of standing guard, you navigate your way through narrow hallwyas and finally end up in front of the barrack's bullet-proof doors.

To Be continued. Do not edit this page.

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