The lighthouse

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:28, 22 June 2009 by -Sentinel- (Talk | contribs)

You climb to the top of the lighthouse, the highest point in the port of Sartosa. For a moment you enjoy a superb view of the city, then you turn towards the ocean. Many ships are leaving, probably to raid and pillage the coast of the Old World. Others are arriving, undoubtedly laden with gold, spices and slaves. One ship in particular, moored a bit further in the bay, attracts your attention: a large galleon as black as pitch, with a shape not unlike that of a gigantic bat. Even though you remember nothing about your life, this ship seems hauntingly familiar. The mere sight of it makes your stomach tighten in fear. Vague memories start gnawing at you, but you do not recall anything clearly.

Now get down before someone sees you, and make another choice at the Port of Sartosa.

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