Forget it. I've got other things I need to work on.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:02, 18 March 2009 by Rawar (Talk | contribs)

Sounds fun, but you really can't neglect the responsibilities you already have here.

"Sorry," you say, "But I really want to wrap up the Sobe case before I start anything new."

Your boss nods "I thought you might say that. Well, I have a few other people in mind, too."

A week goes by. After a lot of overtime, headaches, and general unpleasantness, you wrap up the Sobe case satisfactorally. Michael took the Furchtsam case, and has been gone for about a week now. You wonder how he's making out. You haven't heard from him since he arrived in Romania. It's probably bad cell service, though.

Again, you hear footsteps outside your office. This time, your boss doesn't even knock. "Melissa?" This time he walks inside your office and shuts the door. "Melissa, I need you on the Furchtsam case. Today. I got a call from Michael. He said he was quitting the case. He wouldn't tell me why". He looks troubled. "You've got a flight out of town at six o'clock."

At first you're a bit angry. Who does he think he is ordering you around like that? Oh, right. And you could really use to get away after that killer week. "Okay. You can count on me," you say.

The flight is pleasant enough, and you can feel yourself unwinding as you step out of the airport and breathe the fresh mountain air. You take a train part way, and then a bus. Wow, this is really out in the boonies, you think. The ride gets bumpier, and the roads narrower. You start to wonder if you're on the wrong route when the bus rounds a corner. There, perched on a cliff, is the most beautiful, forlorn castle you've ever seen. The grey stone, the majestic parapets, the crumbling walls.... the crumbling walls? That doesn't sound right. Before you have a chance to fully process that, you've arrived in Schlechter Vielfrass.

You check into your hotel, which is a rather rundown arrangement, but at least they have electricity. After dropping your bags off, you figure you should start your search.

Before you can think of where to start, your cell phone goes off. It's work. "Hello?"

"Melissa, we haven't heard anything else from Michael yet. Will you see if anyone knows where he is? He should have been staying at the same hotel as you"

"Sure", you say. You can't suppress a bit of worry for your friend. This isn't like him.

Where should you start? Should you:

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