See what the slugs have in store for you

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 09:20, 14 February 2024 by Leon73420 (Talk | contribs)

Trying to calm your nerves, you hope that the slugs will simply lose interest in you after a while if you can just keep still. Your hopes are quickly dashed, as you realize the slugs have other plans for you in mind.

The slug on your elbow has boldly made it all the way up your arm and slithered up your neck. Clawing at is is useless, and only seems to scare the creature and make it slither faster. You lay back, petrified as a statue, as the creature reaches your cheek and moves ever closer towards your mouth. Realizing what it intends to do, you grit your teeth to block its entry; but the slug is surprisingly powerful and parts your lips with ease. You taste the sticky slime secreted from the creature and find that it actually delicious, like an impossibly sweet candy.

The momentary shock from this discovery causes you to loosen your jaw ever so slightly, and the slug pounces at the opportunity. It barely manages to slip between your teeth, and its head is now wrestling with your tongue. From a distance, it must look like you are deepthroating some kind of strange dildo, as several inches of the thick gastropod still hand out of your mouth. You desperately try to cling to its tail with your hands, but find that the slime makes it impossible to get a good grip. Finally, the determined slug worms its way past your tongue and starts to slip down your throat. You start to gag, but the oddly sweet secretions calm your body's instincts against your will, and the slug slowly disappears into your stomach without a trace. Your eyes look down, and you watch as the last of its writhing tale vanishes between your lips. Your throat bulges considerably as it drops into your gut, and you soon lose all feeling of the creature.

Having just been mouth-raped by a slug, you were barely paying attention to the even larger slugs on your legs. They've taken advantage of the distraction, and speedily made their way towards your crotch. The two largest ones are nearly the size of a baseball bat, and making a bee-line towards your pussy. The snout from one brushes against your labia, and soon drenches it with the slime. Realizing the inevitable, you feel yourself getting turned on against your will, as your pussy makes itself wet for its alien invaders. The largest slug begins to wiggle its head inside you, and you desperately try to squeeze your pussy to hinder its entrance. Unfortunately, the slug sees this as a sign of encouragement, and redoubles its efforts; slowly squeezing itself inside you inch by inch. The sweet secretions work as an aphrodisiac, and you start to orgasm all over the slug forcing its way into you. Your own pussy betrays you as it sucks the creature in deeper with every throb and pulse from your own body. You're practically fucking the slug at this point, and its nearly a foot inside you, with another foot still remaining.

Your body may be enjoying what is happening, but your eyes watch in horror as the second slug gets tired of waiting. It crams its way under the first slug, double penetrating you and leaving you feeling deliciously full. Between the wetness from your cum, and the slime from the first slug, the second creature is so lubricated that it speeds its way into you, and is almost as far inside as the first. Before long, the nose of one of them is poking at your cervix, and they push and prod relentlessly at the small opening until they're able to slip inside your womb. You become acutely aware that two of the slugs are unaccounted for at this point, and that's when you feel a familiar cold slimy sensation around the back of your neck and between your ass-cheeks.

One of the creatures has stealthily made its way behind you and slithers around your neck towards your still-slimy mouth, and another has struggled its way underneath you. You're exhausted from the constant penetration, and the worm faces much less resistance than the first as it seeks to deflower your throat. This one is much longer, and you nearly start to choke on its thickness once it enters your throat. You tilt your head back to straighten your esophagus, and the slug gleefully slithers down into your stomach. All the while the final slug has found your asshole, and is also seeking entrance. You moan as it easily works itself into your bowels and disappears into your stomach. You lick the slime off your lips and notice just as the last of the tail from the second slug disappears between your pussy lips and slithers into your bulging uterus.

Having been thoroughly raped, you lie back completely to process what just happened. You can feel some of the creatures moving inside you, and you look like you just ate a large meal. The slime and mud gluing you to the ground is beginning to loosen, and you try to sit up and dislodge yourself from the banks. As you do, your eyes widen at the horrifying sight before you. Dozens, maybe even hundreds of slugs, following your scent, have crawled their way out of the water and are making their way towards you.

You are possessing:
12th Grade Girl (Katy)
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