
From Create Your Own Story

Okay, you walk to the Gym and have a look at the building, you've seen the Pokemon Gym in Viridian and this is just as impressive. You consider the Pokemon you have, one Charmeleon, not that impressive against a rock gym leader.

You decide to gently open the door and peak inside. The interior is large and grandiose painted to look like a rockface. At the end of the large room stands a muscular man with odd looking eyes, probably the gym leader Brock. Brock was naked with a brutally beaten and bruised kid in front of him.

Brock was erect, he was also well hung, and in the brief few seconds you've been watching he's already turned the kid over and started raping his ass.

It was Blue!

You could see now that the kid Brock was raping is Blue. Blue had obviously been defeated by this gym leader and was now being forced into sex due to the Trainer rules.

Fucking Hell!

You watch for a few more seconds and a few Gym trainers descend onto the scene, ready to tak advantage of Blue as well.

You could help Blue but instead you slowly back away from the gym because the image of your defeated friend forced to submit and fuck the gym leader scares you.

You decide that until you can come back with a better Pokemon team you shouldn't even approach this gym. That also means you shouldn't tackle the next Gym until you get an improved Pokemon team...

For now that is not important. What is important is that you decide to Leave quickly

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