HS/RK/M: Next to Wayne

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You decide to sit next to Wayne, you don't want to have to deal with Samantha's shit and if you even thought about sitting next to a loser like Norman no one would ever talk to you again.

Wayne might be the school bully but he didn't generally pick on you. The harshest treatments were reserved for the nerds and band kids. You sat down next to him, he gave you snearing look up and down and then turned to ignore you. doesn't look at you at all. When he walked away you took stalk of Wayne. He was a few inches taller than you with massive broad shoulders, a wide chest, and trim frame. He was on the wrestling team and hung out with the some of the popular jocks sometimes but for the most part he hung out with a couple of his cronies. His olive skin, dark eyes, and black hair gave him that vaguely ethnic look between Italian, Mexican, and Middle Eastern.

Your turn your attention back to your teacher, hoping he doesn't catch you staring at him. You hear her say "I want you to divide into pairs of two. You are going to be working on a group project about comparing the themes of Jane Eyre to other novels."

The class instantly broke into pairs and you are left to pair with Wayne. He still doesn't talk to you while the teacher explains the project so it is up to you to say "Why don't we get a head start on this. You can come over tonight and we can review." He scowls and said "Look hear, I'm not some bitch you pay to be nice to you. So why don't you keep the fucking orders for your fucking maids, bitch." He then turned and walked away. You knew you shouldn't have said anything.

The rest of the day went by without incident but you were dreading this project. Worst case scenario, you would just do it by yourself and let Wayne slap his name on it. As you headed back to your car after school you were shocked to find Wayne leaning on your car, smoking a cigarette. You walked up to him slowly but this time you let him speak first. "Let's just get this shit over with." You gulp and then you drive back to your place with Wayne and head in. As you enter your home Wayne comments "No fucking way, your house is huge." he gave a little laugh and said "You're a such a lucky little bitch."

You laughed too, but nervously. You preferred him laughing but didn't love being called a little bitch. You showed him your room and he was again shocked at how big your room was as well as all the stuff you had in it, like your TV.

"Okay" he said "you can get to work on this shit while I watch TV. I bet your dad even pays for the porn channels." he said.

Dread had sunk in, he was going to want to make you do all the work after all. He probably even came to your car so he could hangout at your house.

You sigh deeply and decide to

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Backpack, off-white skinny jeans, light blue polo shirt, a walkman, and a late slip

Status at home
Gender Male
Social Group Rich Kid
Boyfriend/Girlfriend None
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