Take the jockstrap to your room

From Create Your Own Story

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You stuff the jockstrap into your pocket before looking up at the mirror and see your father's hairy ass glistening under the water from the small crack in the shower curtain. His muscles tempted you to touch as the water runs down his backside. You notice he was about to turn around, and you dart out the bathroom and into your room. The door closed quietly behind you and you hop on the bed and take a deep inhale. The smell of stale piss fills your nose as you pull your shorts down to your ankles.

Your dick springs up from its tight confines and you immediately stroke your dick. You stuff the jockstrap into your mouth to quiet the groans that come out of your mouth. The taste was enough to send you over the edge as you shoot all over your body.


The jockstrap falls from your mouth and you look at the large wet stain that sits in the pouch. You clumsily wipe up your mess and throw the jockstrap back into your father's restroom. As you quietly sneak out into the hall, you see Ethan with a tight shirt and shorts with a gym bag hanging off his shoulder.

"Hey, you're headed to the gym?" you asked him.

He nods at you and flashes you a smile.

"Wanna come with? I could use a workout buddy," he said while pulling on his shoes. You're distracted by his muscles with the shirt tightly coiled around his large bicep. He notices that your eyes wander and playfully flex while playfully bouncing his pecs.


You can't help but laugh and nod at him.

"Give me a minute, I'll go change."

As you're putting on your shoes and your brother stands beside you checking his phone, your dad comes out into the hallway with nothing but a towel hanging low around his waist. His thick patch of pubic hair is spilling over the top of his towel as he walks toward you.

"You guys headed out?" he asked with his hands on his hips.

He's torturing me, you thought. You didn't want to speak in case it may sound weak so you simply nod while forcing your eyes down to your shoes that you're tying.

"You need anything while we're out pops?" Ethan asked not looking up from his phone. You can tell he's unfazed since he's used to being around naked guys from his football days.

"Nah, have fun boys," he says while walking over to the kitchen.

The trip to the gym felt like forever as you occasionally sneak glances at your brother's crotch and thick legs. You make it to the gym and begin stretching as you follow his lead.

It was making you hard as you watch your brother silently heave as he lifts his weights with a hard expression watching himself in the mirror. You decided to go over to the treadmill and run a few miles when another gym member catches your eye. The tall black guy notices your gaze and shoots you a wink as he lays down on the weight bench with his legs spread open right in front of your treadmill.

You see the sizable bulge in his shorts and your dick starts to get hard from the sight. You tried to will it away but you can start to see how a few guys are starting to look your way as your dick swings in your shorts while running.

You stop and see how your brother notices your hardened bulge too before quickly looking away when you catch him. You can see his neck and cheeks starting to get red from being caught.

"He can't be into this... Is he?" you thought to yourself.

The thought of your brother being into you didn't help but you wanted to see if it was true. The hype eventually died down when by the time your on the machine working on your legs. You made sure to keep Ethan in sight as you watch him lift his shirt to wipe the sweat coming down his face.

He starts to head towards the bathroom, and the black guy from earlier crosses your vision as he heads towards the locker room. He sends you a flirty smile and nods his head towards the locker room as an invitation.

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