Just go with the woman. you've risked enough already.

From Create Your Own Story

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You don't like the idea of losing your light, but you also don't like the idea that they've got you in the same position you had that first guy in. You do something they perceive as a threat, and you're likely to catch that bat the blonde had upside the head. You go along quietly, until your up the steps of the stoop, the light goes out, and you're in the pitch black.

You get pushed through the doorway, hear it slam and lock behind you, and then hear the click of another flashlight. Your eyes have trouble adjusting for a moment, but you appear to be in a storage room, barely twenty by twenty feet, boxes and containers lining the wall, and a shelving system with little boxes of shoes littering one wall to the right. A heavy steel door sits on either side of the room, both barred and locked tight, and you turn up slowly to the two women, standing behind you.

The little blonde is all of five foot three, her sandy locks cut short and barely hanging to the sides of her chin. Her face is almond shaped, with a light smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks. Her big blue eyes catch you and draw you in before she shyly looks down at the floor. Her slender neck runs to defined collar bones, her skin perfect and light beneath a tight pink v-neck that clings to her form and reveals just a hint of cleavage between her small but rounded breasts. The tight jeans she wears flow out at the hips, and you find yourself imagining what a great ass she must have when she turns around, but your thoughts are cut off by the stern tone of the other woman.

"Who are you?" She demands. You turn to look at the woman holding the flashlight on you. She's a bit taller. Five six, five five. A little thicker too, with bigger tits and wider hips, all pushing at a form fitting black dress the woman wore. Her lips were plump and wide, painted with a shocking shade of red, and her dark hair fell to her shoulder and framed her lovely face well. Her hazel eyes were rimmed with dark liner and eye-shadow, and not a bit of it looked touched by the rain outside. Her gaze was intense, and her tone serious as she asked again. "Who are you?"

You tell the girl's your name, and give them a quick run down of how you came to be in the alley. The listen, but the blonde stares at the floor while the brunette hangs on every word and seems to be judging your honesty.

"Have you been bitten? Or scraped, by fingernails? Or...any sort of fluid exchange with one of the

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