Beg her to return

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:37, 5 December 2015 by Chronis (Talk | contribs)

You fall to your knees and scream out to Melanie that you love her. You beg her to come back to stay with you forever.

Melanie hesitates and stairs at you an unreadable expression on her face. Reaching a decision she starts to pull the car back into the garage. It worked you think to yourself excitedly. Melanie loves you too. You will get to be with her every day now. You are ecstatic with happiness.

You notice Melanie is driving too fast.

"Slow down my love!" you cry out. "Slow do..." your words are cut off as the car smashes into you carrying you through the wall and into your living room. Your ribs fracture and your lungs are punctured in multiple places quickly filling with blood.

Your last thought is that maybe Melanie does not love you after all.

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