Piggy's Day/Object

From Create Your Own Story

< Piggy's Day
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Piggy: "Hell no, they'll kill me! Let's just both run into the forest and hide on our own."

Swine: "Deal."

You do just that. You swerve right off the beaten path, into the deepest, darkest forest, where you will not be found.

Piggy: "I'll have to get out of here as soon as possible."

You promptly fall off a cliff.

Piggy: "Well, for hasty escapes, that'll do just fine."

Falling down you reminiscent on your previous falls and try to count them, but during the number 3 you hit the ground. Your shoulders and ribs horribly broken, you lay on the stone ground.

Piggy: "Oooouch....."

Then, a boulder slams onto you. Then, for a long time nothing happens, until 1942, when an archeologist happens upon this very site.

Archeologist: "Yes, this appears to be the perfect place to start my excavations. I'll start by examining this humoungous rock that seems to have fallen off the cliff."

The archeologist sets up a scaffold to stand while he tries to take samples of the rock. He takes out a mallet and a chisel, and carefully hits the boulder with them. The entire rock then splits in two, revealing your wizened body.

Archeologist: "Egads!"

The archeologist returns to London, bearing your lifeless body with him. Here, he has set up to exhibit a new species.

Archeologist: "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, an entirely new species: Pigmega gliduo, the amazing flying pig!"

He pulls off a blanket covering you. The skin around your neck and shoulders is flattened and dried, and both of your arms are dislocated, making you seem like you have wings. However, a member of the audience, the archeologists rival, calls his colleague out on this.

Rival: "That's not a new species at all!"

He gets up on the stage, and inspects the specimen.

Rival: "Let me just fix this a tiny bit..."

The man relocates your shoulders, and unwrinkles your skin. The audience gasps. Someone point out an obvious flaw:

Voice: "It's a bipedal swine!"

Rival: "Oh, my.... Uhh, let me just do this..."

The man tries to bend your back as if to lower you to four legs. However, at 45 degrees your entire upper body breaks off. The audience becomes hostile towards the rivaling archeologist, telling him to get off stage.

Archeologist: "*sigh* I guess we'll never know if this was genuinely a new species."

Just then, rain starts. Water gets into your mouth, rehydrating you. After few minutes, you rwgain consciousness.

Piggy: "Mmmm... Whah? Where am I?"

The audience looks to you in shock.

Piggy: "What? Never seen a talking pig before?"

Someone in the front row tells you that they haven't. At this point you notice that your hind legs are missing.

Piggy: "OH SHI-"


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