Give them your gold

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:42, 19 July 2015 by Tojah (Talk | contribs)

You quickly assess the small group of criminals. Perhaps you can take them out. Perhaps not. Maybe it's not the chance of failure that worries you, but the necessity for violence and perhaps death. That's something you would like to avoid, for now.

Carefully, slowly, so as not to let the group think you are reaching for the hunting knife equipped on the front of your belt, you reach behind and grab your small coin purse. The few pieces of gold inside didn't feel like much when you set out; they feel much heavier right now. You toss the bag onto the path a few feet ahead of you, stepping back and keeping your arms in sight of the group.

The boy gingerly steps forward, keeping one eye on you as he nimbly scoops down and picks up the purse. He throws it back to an older man, perhaps the leader of the group. Sniffing, an air of indifference exuding from him, he opens the contents into his hand, quickly assessing their value.

"Not much," he complains, pocketing the coins.

"What do we do with her?" One of them, a skinny looking guy, asks.

For a second your heart catches in your throat as you look around the group again. This could get ugly.

Finally, the man sniffs again and waves his hand. "Let her go. We don't want to start trouble for no good reason."

You can't help but breathe a quiet sigh of relief as you lower your hands and begin to skirt around them, getting back on the path and walking away at a hurried pace. You may be broke now, but at least alive and unharmed. Who knows? Perhaps fate will pay the group a visit and end their careers as highway robbers. The world has worked in more mysterious ways before.

Head into Town

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