Blackmail: You decide to hand him your clothes.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:54, 18 December 2013 by Bob457 (Talk | contribs)

Not wanting your clothes to get dirty, you hand your shirt to him.

You then remove your shoes and hand him your jean.

Hiding your shame the best you can, you stood proudly before him, in nothing but your underwear.

Your notice that your legs are shaking.

"Good", he said after a while. He is stroking his bulge through his pants. "Now turn around. Slowly."

You turn slowly, trying your best to avoid touching the various disgusting trash on the floor with your bare feet.

When you face him again, he has his pants down and he is slowly jerking off his erect cock.

"Now show me your tits, whore."

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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