Unwritten/Chun/Wait for the creature

From Create Your Own Story

Charging in blindly while you don't have a clue what this creature is capable of sounds like a good way to get yourself killed, so you adopt a defensive posture and wait for it to make the first move. It grins and charges you.

It's arms flash at you faster than you can see, but you manage to dart just out of reach in the nick of time. One of his hands brushes your left breast and leaves several re lines on it. When it starts to sting, you realize it's blood dripping out of three cuts. This guy has claws!

While you're startled by that discovery, he twirls around and hits you with a backhand. From that position, it's a mystery how he could put any strength in that blow. Even so, it sends you crashing into the wall and seeing stars. Before you manage to recover, he's suddenly standing right in front of you, grinning broadly.

Reacting quickly, you stab your knife at him and he seem taken by surprise as he's a little slow to react. He manages to catch the knife before your blow lands, but the edge of your knife bites into his hand and blood trickles down. He stares at his wounded hand for a moment, giving you the opportunity to get in a good kick and send him crashing down on the ground.

Realizing you won't be able to fight him unarmed if he gets back up, you charge while he's on the ground, aiming to finish him off. He recovers a little too quickly and grabs your throat with his wounded hand. The wound on your breast aches when some of his blood runs down over it.

You're worried whatever he has might be infectious, but have no time to ponder it as you're dangling with your feet in the air and being choked by the boy who is holding you up with one hand as if you weigh nothing at all. Anger flashing in his eyes.


Health 80 Equipment:


Stamina 95
Morale 90 Inventory:


Money 800$
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