D&D: You try to catch up to the guard to get more information

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You catch up to the guard and tap his shoulder to get his attention. He turns around and give you a look, recognizing you from a minute ago and eye you up lightly, stopping at your bust for a second before forcing his gaze back up to your eyes. You go to say something but your cheeks go red when you notice where he's looking. You haven't had that kind of attention before... but then again, you didn't had a purple silk dress before. The guards stare at you impatiently :"yeah what do you want." You answer with a soft voice:" well I was curious if you knew more about that problems in the sewer." The guard stare at you :"All I know is that there's a reward by the lieutenants. Five hundred gold to whoever solve that problems." You make the calculation rapidly in your mind. Five hundreds gold... that's more money then you've ever seen in your life.

As he sees your expression, the guard continue:"But we've already lost a few people down there anymore. Anyone wanting to get in need to have a permission from recongnized mercenary guild." You smile fades immedietly in a deception. You're never going to be sponsored by a mercenary guild. Not an aprentice like you. You sigh a little and the guard pick this on. His voice gives you back a little hope but you find you don't like the feeling in his tone:"But I may have a way, but it'l cost you." He gives you a wide grins. His face bodes nothing well but you are out of option if you want to see the color of that gold. You feel he wants something from you but you don't have much to offer.

D&D: Use a charm spell on the guard

D&D: Offer to bribe him with the small amount of gold you have

D&D: Go in a nearby empty alley and get on your knees

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