The Power of Will

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:03, 5 October 2011 by Trem (Talk | contribs)

Beep-beep-beep, beep-beep-beep. You shut your alarm off, start the coffee, and turn the shower on all with a mere thought. You have been able to do such things since before you can remember. You wish you could find out if your parents were able to shape the world to their liking with a little concentration and a thought as you can but you have no way of asking them. You can't remember anything about them as they died when you were very young. Even with your power there are limits and bringing back the dead is definitely not in the realm of possibilities. Not that you would ever be foolish enough to ever try such things but you know the amount of energy required for you to bring back the dead would kill you.
You grew up with your Uncle who took you in after your parents died. Maybe he did it out of kindness or maybe he did it because of the $50,000 a year he got out of the money your parents left you. You aren't sure what happened between your dad and his brother but you suspect they weren't very close. Your uncle doesn't like talking about your parents and by the time you were 10 you gave up trying to get any information out of him.
You hop in the shower and quickly wash yourself before getting dressed and going to the kitchen. You sit at the head of your 20 foot long mahogany table and sip your coffee.
"Nothing like a good cup of coffee to start the day," you think to yourself. It better be good coffee. The machine alone cost $2000 not to mention how expensive the coffee grounds that you have imported to your house from Guatemala, Peru or Brazil. You can never remember where.
"Message Sir" You look down at your table as your prototype phone that some company you invested a ton of money in sent you lights up bright orange.
"Play," you respond.
"Message from: Mindy, Today, 7:37 A.M," your phone says in a male, slightly computerized voice before continuing on in a voice that sounds surprisingly like Mindy. "Hey. I was wondering if you were still up for a study session for Psychology like you offered a few weeks back. I'm free all day. Text me back." You completely forgot about that particular offer. Among your special gift you also are quite intelligent and rarely find the need to study. Besides if there is a problem you don't know on any test you can just will the professors answer sheet on to your desk at very little expense. At least Mindy was easy on the eyes. She was about 5'3" blonde hair, slim, with nice size boobs(you'd guess around a C cup), a great smile, and amazing ocean blue eyes. Evidently studying was the price you'd have to pay to spend some time with her.
"Vander," you say aloud.
"Yes Sir?" Your phone replies reverting back to its normal voice.

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