Talk:120 Minutes Remain

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:33, 15 September 2018 by Adam02oc (Talk | contribs)


  • Date started: 26th of February 2017.
  • Still being updated as of: 15th of September 2018.
  • Before you start, please note that some pages you encounter may not be finished. A majority of these pages will not be red linked. If it helps, click into 'Category: Unfinished pages for 120 Minutes Remain'. This can be found as a subcategory in 'Category: 120 Minutes Remain', which is conveniently found at the bottom of the starting page (120 Minutes Remain). I know this is annoying but it helps me organize my pages and links a bit better, so I'm sticking with it.
  • For some reason, the Category: 120 Minutes Remain, will probably only have 37 pages featured when you're signed out. I don't know why this happens and am trying to fix it. However the story still has the promised amount of pages in it so don't worry.
  • Status Indicators are currently being added, however I have not finished them all yet so if you come to a page without a Status Indicator: DO NOT EDIT IT!!!
  • As of the 20th of April 2018, four major edits on this story will be in operation (kinda in this order):

1) ALL of the categories will be undergoing a renaming process to make this story more organized and easier to use for both myself and any readers.
2) Any unfinished pages will have an Astrix (*) on their link so that readers are not constantly annoyed when they unknowingly encounter a blank page.
3) Status Indicators will be undergoing a specific colour change.
4) There will be a mass spellcheck preformed on the story to identify any misspelled words.

Thanks for being one of the 5% that have read this far. Much appreciated.

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