Please Read Before Editing

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:09, 2 December 2022 by OminousFlare (Talk | contribs)
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Perspective is a story of many possibilities - and yes, perspectives - though the story mainly explores existential nihilism, escapism, and what it means to live a mundane life. Despite its gloomy opening, I intend for this to be a multi-genre story that goes in a myriad amount of direction. Due to my history of abandoned stories, however, I now take caution in creating too many choices for each page, so I stick with two choices per page for now. Thus, should you choose to help to edit (which will be very, very much appreciated and encouraged), then there are a few ground rules to follow, if you please:

General Rules

  • Please ask for permission before you edit. I don't need you to ask for my permission every single time, but I would like to have a discussion with you first on how you are going to tell the story. This is to prevent the story from turning into one of those ubiquitous pornographic smutty stories on this site.
  • Stick to two choices for every page you create unless you intend to expand upon every single choice you create. That means I would prefer not to have multiple red links all over this story that lead to blank pages. So please, for simplicity sake, just stick to two for now.
  • Superficial choices are discouraged. That means no "joke choices" that lead to a nonsensical one-liner ending... unless, of course, you make it funny enough. But even so, please ask for permission first before creating such choices.
  • Smutty material is highly discouraged unless it is non-pornographic and has something meaningful to convey (like sex between lovers, or sex addiction, or even the protagonist masturbating to relieve himself from stress). Bottom line, if you have to include sex stuff, ask for permission first, and do it only once in a while. This is not a story focused on sex.
  • Writing quality is loose and lenient. I don't mind the occasional bad grammar and spelling since I don't exactly have the best writing myself, but again, within reason. At least write something that's readable and doesn't put people off. A simple narrative that's devoid of description of the setting, or an exposition scene that's more "tell" than "show", such writing flaws are definitely acceptable. I don't expect Shakespearean material here.

Story Direction

  • Explore possibilities. Just because the first page starts with an existential crisis doesn't mean it has to remain so down the line. You are free to take the story in another direction/genre.
  • Keep things unpredictable. I would like to see the choices lead to some twist that would surprise and shock people. Bonus points if you cleverly deconstruct/subvert a trope in this manner (think "Cabin in the Woods" and other satire movies that reinvent tired cliches). If you don't have a clue what I'm going on about, feel free to approach me and I'll explain further.
  • Crossovers with copyright fictional characters (Batman, Bugs Bunny, etc.) are acceptable, but it must make sense (like a portal to another dimension suddenly opens, or the protagonist's drawn pictures come alive, etc.). I even encourage it, since I'm a big fan of crossovers. But for now, I don't want things to go too crazy right now because that's how stories wind up dead, so again, do it within reason.

And that's it! That's more or less the gist of it. Have fun editing, and feel free to drop a line in the discussion page of this article should you have any questions.

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