Escape now and try to get home

From Create Your Own Story

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What home? You ponder, you have no place you can call home. There are only places to sleep, steal and hide from authorities and gangs alike. Nevertheless, you can always just go back to lurking around your usual alleys and meet your friends, if you can call them that. You turn around to leave and begin to walk down the stairs. As you step off the final stair, you get a strange feeling that something's wrong. You dive to the ground, just in time, as a sharp object hits the ground next to your boot with a clang. You turn your head to find a woman walking resolutely towards you, knife in her right hand, a small mounted crossbow on her raised left wrist. You lift yourself to your feet in one swift motion and put all your weight into a punch to the jaw. An attack you mastered while living on the streets. She stumbles to the ground, and you mount and restrain her to deter further assault. Your hands planted firmly on her wrists.

"That fucking hurt." she grumbles.

"Well, that's what you get for attacking me," you reply in anger, as you tighten your grip on her wrists.

"I was instructed not to let you leave the house."

"And you intended on killing me to do so?"

She smiles menacingly, "the bolt was filled with a powerful sedative."

"Which means?"

At that, her expression changes to that of irritation, "it wasn't going to kill you." She sighs, her breath filling your nose with the pungent odor of tobacco. "Just knock you out for a while." You simply stare dubiously, wondering if she's telling the truth, and she stares back defiantly. "Get the fuck off me." She hisses.

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