The Game They Play

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:48, 8 February 2016 by Snowball (Talk | contribs)

You awake breathing heavily, sweat rolling down your body uncomfortably. You move to wipe your brow, but but your hand refuses to respond. You are lying on a cold marble floor, and all you can see from your position is a high ceiling, stretching far above you. Before you have much time to consider the implications, a booming voice rings out.

"This the new player?" a hearty, masculine voice issues from your right. "Don't look like much, does it?"

"Do not be so quick to judge. The players have surprised in the past. Remember Lucien?" a more feminine voice speaks from the left.

"Which one was that?" the first voice interrupts. *"They've all started to blend together."

"He gave Fen over there a run for his money, even punched him a couple of times." came the reply. An annoyed grunt came from your feet.

"Oh, come now, Fen. It was rather amusing." the female voice chided.

"So what's this one's story?" the first voice asked.

The Game They Play Status
Health ? Equipment Skills
Mana ? ? ?
Area ?
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