2T4U/Changeling Abilities

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Changeling Abilities

A changeling is the result of a fey mating with a human. They generally look like a normal human with fine, delicate features. They tend to be relatively short compared to humans (especially those with a fey parent that is a tiny fey like a faerie), and are always thin . . . even wispy. They have the innate ability to change their shape.

  • Shape Change: A changeling's defining ability is that they can change their size, shape and gender. Their mass remains the same when they change shape, so a 120 pound changeling will be a 120 changeling regardless of their size.
    • Changelings can only change their form into that of a living being.
    • Changelings are limited by their ability to make themselves more dense (smaller) or more diffuse (larger). This is a skill that they must develop. Very skilled changelings can become as large as a blue whale or as small as a common housefly.
      • A changeling the size of a housefly in so dense that they are harder than diamond.
      • A changeling the size of a blue whale is so diffuse and delicate that they are on the cusp of becoming intangible.
    • Changelings that are male are fully male, and can impregnate females. Changelings that are female are fully female and can become pregnant. Changelings can also become hermaphrodites capable of both.
      • Changelings that become pregnant as a female cannot change into a male until they give birth. They can however become a hermaphrodite.
  • Receptive Reproduction: Like fey, changelings can interbreed with any other species, the product is almost always another changeling, though mating with an animal can produce a theriomorph (were-creature).
  • Longevity: The blood of the fey gives changelings a very long life. They don't begin to show signs of aging until well into their fifties and can live for a couple of hundred years.
  • Fey Magic: Changelings have weak fey magic. It takes a changeling a lot of practice to become skilled at fey magic. Fey magic is more limited in scope that other types of magic, only allowing for a few types of effects.
    • Glamors: One of the most common types of fey magic is the glamor. This is an illusion that can be cast upon living beings only. It can make them appear to be any other living being.
    • Emotion Control: Fey magic can alter the emotions of living beings to make them feel whatever the changeling wishes for them to feel.
    • Sleep: Fey magic can force a target into a deep sleep.
  • Fey Powers: Changelings can inherit some of the powers from their fey parent. These are generally less pronounced that the abilities of their fey parent, and harder to use.

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