Take The Bus

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:42, 22 December 2012 by Jackflap101 (Talk | contribs)
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You decide to take the bus to get to school quicker. when you pass through a tunnel, you stick your head out the window and hear giant footsteps of a giant pokemon! but before you can get a glance the bus exits the tunnel and drops you off at a bus stop just round the corner from your school.

As you enter, your new teacher gives you a confused look. You look back at her and she just laughs. "your 2 hours early! anyway whats your name? mine is Mrs.Lauren." "my Name is jack" you reply. You follow her inside to her desk. she imediatly starts up a conversation about Pokemon. She is really surprised about how much you know. Mrs.Lauren the asks how you are with a sword. You reply "Not very good, my mum wont let me practice." "oh thats a shame, anyway, since you are going to pick your Pokemon later, How Would you like to pick yours now?"

You nodd and follow her into her lab.

She Pulls Out a briefcase with 5 Pokeballs in it.

Which Pokemon Do You want?






Health [][][][][][][][][][] Bag:


Energy {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
Trainer Rank Rookie
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