Another Pointless Story/ Feast
From Create Your Own Story
Current revision as of 06:14, 1 July 2009
As you commit cannibalistic acts that would terrify a suicidal person into becoming Catholic, your mind once again wanders, as this is also common to you. Adult human bodies.. You much prefer them to babies. If you were to compare stem-cell research to brewing drinks.. Fetuses are like 100 proof shots, while adults are like the more taboo absinthe. Absinthe, so good when made right, but potentially deadly if made wrong (i.e. Fat or diseased people). Of course, you eat them all. Your immune system is nearly as strong as the fist you sealed away behind your chin at the beginning of time. Back to reality, you've once again completed your menial task. Furthermore, it's increased your health 100-fold. Now.. Shall you call it a day? You don't want to unleash too much of your awesomeness. You're tired of moving to different planets so often. It's especially embarrassing when there are survivors.. Superman is still pretty peeved. Then again, you could always look for a fight again. Maybe it'll loosen up your muscles.
Status | ||
Health | 10000 | Equipment:
2 Fists |
MP | {{{MP}}} | |
Level | {{{Level}}} |