See what the government has on him

From Create Your Own Story

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Why didn't you think of that before? The government surely has records of Walfried!

You take the next bus out of town to the county government seat. It's another long, bumpy drive. As you approach the city, the roads gradually improve, and you start seeing more an more traffic. Finally, you arrive in a small but refreshingly modern city.

You enter the county capitol building and present your request to the receptionist. She tells you that they don't give out a citizen's information to just anyone. When you ask for simple confirmation of his existence, they deny that to you, too. You will have to fill out a formal petition, and wait days- possibly weeks to get it reviewed.

It seems like there should be an easier place to start. Maybe starting with the von Furchtsam cousins or the property records would bear more fruit, and quicker, too.

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