A Full Ounce Free? You Can't Pass That Up

From Create Your Own Story

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{{HSTemplate|Health=100|Gender=Female|Social Group=Rebels|Boyfriend/Girlfriend=|Equipment=Bookbag, Wallet}}
{{HSTemplate|Health=100|Gender=Female|Social Group=Rebels|Boyfriend/Girlfriend=|Equipment=Bookbag, Wallet}}
[[Category: High School]]

Current revision as of 22:00, 28 February 2021

A full ounce is a tremendous amount of weed, by your standards. And it's not like Matt is a scumbag, or you don't want him. You look at him putting your wallet away. "A full ounce huh? What kinda things would you wanna do to me to justify that kinda... investment." You put a wry smile on your face as you look back at him

Matt's eyes practically leap out of his head when you say this. You figure he'd never actually considered you taking the option and is now a kid in a candy store at the possibilities. "Well, for starters why don't you take the top off and come sit on my lap."

Easy enough, you tell yourself. With a simple slip of the arm the shirt is over your head and your aching nipples are exposed to the air. You rub them quickly as you roll onto his lap. He wastes little time admiring the scenery, as his own shirt is quickly discarded, his tongue drags wetly across you nipples. He brings his hands behind your back and pulls you in as close as he can. You let out a soft moan as he gently bites down on them. You savor the foreplay, his hands covering every square inch of you before grabbing your ass deeply. Running his tongue up your body giving you an equally deep kiss.

As the kiss breaks he lifts you up quickly. raising you up high before clasping at you sweats. he flips you onto the couch as he slides them down your body. For a few seconds you hang suspended by him as he fights with your shoes. He's a frumpy man. His skin has many divots and a few stretch marks. His chest covered in yellow peach fuzz. With one last jerk you're free of your clothing and his face is burred between your thighs.

You swoon at the feeling, and that's all you can do really as he uses his weight to pin back your legs and shoulders to the couch for stability. He drinks deeply from you raking at your very deepest parts with his tongue and gently biting on your hood. You run your hands through his hair in a approval. But the foreplay doesn't last that long. Soon his shorts are on the floor and his uncut 6in cock is lined up with your opening. One quick stroke and then a series of quick thrusts and he's in your arms, licking at your ear.

You tremble at the treatment, as your first orgasm comes. Noticing he rolls you over and takes you from behind, his testicles slapping loudly against your flesh. You can barely breath with his weight pressed down against your body in this position but you can't really do anything about it, anyway. You alternate between fighting for air, and fighting through pleasure. His tempo quickening as he begins to grunt, lifting his body weight from you. He's the first to break the sound of slaps, grunts and moaning. " Mmhhhm, you're such a good little slut." He picks up his pace slightly. "Good little sluts get to tell me where to cum."

You think for a minute. Where do you want him to finish?

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Bookbag, Wallet

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Rebels
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