Take off the nightgown-Lord Ruari thief

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Current revision as of 18:10, 23 March 2020

His statement takes you by surprise. You have had your share of flirting, to be sure. No man, however, has ever been so bold as to ask you to undress for him.

Then again, you've never been alone with a man in nothing but your nightgown before.

And never has a man been your betrothed, either.

You're playing a different game, now. There are different rules. More permissive rules.

An unexpected warmth begins to spread in your core. The man in the doorway is the lord of these lands. He will be your husband. He will take you to his bed.

Looking at him now, taking in his appearance in a new light, a new perspective, you find yourself stirring.

Before, your inevitable marriage bed was a specter, looming unavoidably in your future. A service, a duty, from which you could never escape. In that moment, something changes. The specter becomes a promise.

Lord Ruari, lingers in the doorway, a half-smile playing upon his lips. You realize he is teasing you. Working to unsteady you, perhaps for some ulterior motive, or perhaps it is simply playful banter.

Well, you can play too.

Without a word, you reach up and pull the straps of your nightgown off your shoulders. Lord Ruari's eyes widen for moment, and you feel a small sense of victory you managed to surprise him. Then his smile returns ten fold and you feel yourself tremble. You imagine many a young lady have lost themselves to that smile.

Determined not to falter now, you continue pulling down your only garment. The cut is loose, designed not to conceal, but to be comfortable. As such, once the straps are off your shoulders, you need do little more then release them and the soft fabric caresses your skin as it falls to pool on the floor.

You feel a thrill run through you at your boldness. And not a small amount of fear and shame. All your future husband had to do was smile and speak a few flowery words and you bare everything to him. Your old maid would be furious, but you are enjoying it too much to care.

How much of your life have you spent sequestered away? Hiding all of you away so as not to "tempt" men, or to "Save yourself" for your husband. Well, damn it all, in a few short days Lord Ruari will be your husband. You have nothing more to save for, and you find you desperately want to tempt him.

Judging by the look on his face, you have done just that. The lord's eyes followed the garment to the floor, and then began to slowly work their way up your naked body. Up your shapely calves and thighs, pausing to linger on the downy patch of hair at their apex. Then up the curve of your hips to your trim waist, and up further to your soft, blush tipped breasts. Up even further to you chest, your throat, your lips, and finally meeting your own eyes.

His careful, deliberate perusal of your body threatened to unnerve you. Would he find you lacking? Unappealing perhaps?

The look in his eyes as his gaze met your own, banished such fears in an instant. The levity, the mischief you'd seen in his eyes before was gone. In its place was a wholly different sort of light. A burning light. A hungry light. The look in his eyes told you more than words ever could just how much your body pleased him.

For a long moment, neither of you spoke. You simply stared into each other's gaze from across the room.

Finally, drawing up your will, you ask, barely above of a whisper, "Is this better, My Lord?"

Your voice seems to snap Lord Ruari out of a trance. His eyes, once more give your naked body an appreciative look, though the hunger does not leave them. "Having seen you," his voice has lost some of its refinement you notice, "I find that words could never have done you justice."

With a final look at you, he reaches for the door.

Health 100 Equipment:


Stamina 85
Mood Shy/Nervous Inventory:

Valuable jewelry, Heavy Dress, Beautiful necklace

Purse 1050, 00, 00
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