Draw A Fantasy Creature

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 11:26, 24 October 2017

Back in elementary school, your imagination was wild and rich, a cornfield of myriad possibilities. You remember the days when you would daydream away, roleplaying out fictional characters you saw on those American movies. One moment, you would be a cop dismantling a bomb strapped to the bottom of a bus; the next, you were a poor black girl, her face full of cinders, lamenting the harsh life under your evil stepmother and stepsisters. You were fighting dragons and reenacting death scenes; you were trekking across wild jungles and traversing through the stars.

Life for you was truly bountiful as a child. Yet like all things, such enthusiasm faded away with the cruel passage of time. You look upon your empty canvas, wondering what there is left to draw from your mind.

It starts with a single line, diagonal. Then streak of lines. You draw a head. Then a misshaped torso resembling a beast. You add long mammoth tusks, then scaly pterosaur wings. You adorn the creature with razor-sharp three-inch claws the likes of Velociraptor talons. Pretty soon, you find yourself with a chimeric creation, a monstrous abomination with an arsenal of natural weapons. You drop your pencil for a bit to admire your masterpiece.

It's spectacular. You've done it again. You imagine yourself being a superhero who can transform into a creature like this. You would be like Beast Boy, but with all manners of animal body parts at the same time! You would call yourself Chimera Kid!

On the other hand, what if it's a kaiju wrecking havoc on the city? It should be the size of Godzilla, and with all these tusks and claws sticking out of its body, it could easily do some serious damage stomping across the world. Maybe you'll even give him an elephant trunk for extra damage, and hollow bones so that he could move swiftly and increase the output of the destruction.

You begin to scribble more as your imagination fires up, your heart racing with adrenaline. Inside your head, you mutter a solemn wish: if only all of these amazing fantasies would come true.

As if in response, a hollow voice whispers behind: "Then wish it." You spin around, only to find Crabby McCrabson looking up and giving you a dirty look for staring at him. You doubt he has picked up any telepathic powers recently. You bow your head lightly in apology and return to your drawing.

But you can't forget the words of that voice. It feels silly, but maybe you should make a wish...

What shall you wish for?

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