D&D: Ask your master if you can take your first lesson right now

From Create Your Own Story

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"Looks like someone was a little more enthusiastic then you originally let on, aren't you now?" He says with a mix of satisfaction and amusement.
"Looks like someone was a little more enthusiastic then you originally let on, aren't you now?" He says with a mix of satisfaction and amusement.
You can't manage anything other than a marginal nod and a small whimper, your head swimming as the butterflies flutter in your stomach. He slowly pulls your panties down, sliding them over your wide hips, but the crotch of your panties sticks to your wetness causing you to flush once again in mixed arousal and humiliation. Your panties are brought down around your knees and then your ankles. Your legs are shaking in anticipation and nervousness as he encourages you to step out of your panties. You are now completely bare, and to be frank, completely helpless to his advances and desires. Your pussy is clenching and releasing a small, clear stream of girlcum down your thighs as you stand with your feet together.
You can't manage anything other than a marginal nod and a small whimper, your head swimming as the butterflies flutter in your stomach. He slowly pulls your panties down, sliding them over your hips, but the crotch of your panties sticks to your wetness causing you to flush once again in mixed arousal and humiliation. Your panties are brought down around your knees and then your ankles. Your legs are shaking in anticipation and nervousness as he encourages you to step out of your panties. You are now completely bare, and to be frank, completely helpless to his advances and desires. Your pussy is clenching and releasing a small, clear stream down your thighs as you stand with your feet together.
He steps away from you and quickly does away with his own garments. You can see his chiseled features even clearer now. His body seems to be cut from marble, each feature muscular and built. His shoulders are wide, and his torso tapers with a V down to his abs. But what you notice first is his prominent cock, bigger than you have ever seen before, it is imposing with its impressive width and jaw-dropping length. You try and fail to stifle a high pitched moan, your attraction to him growing with each moment.
He steps away from you and quickly does away with his own garments. You can see his chiseled features even clearer now. His body seems to be cut from marble, each feature muscular and built. His shoulders are wide, and his torso tapers with a V down to his abs. But what you notice first is his prominent cock, bigger than you have ever seen before, it is imposing with its impressive width and jaw-dropping length. You try and fail to stifle a high pitched moan, your attraction to him growing with each moment.
Your master says in a firm voice "Spread your legs apart and put your hands behind your back, so I can see what we're working with here."
Your master says in a firm voice, "Spread your legs apart and put your hands behind your back so I can see what we're working with here."
You hasten to comply, stepping so your legs are about shoulder's width apart. You cross your arms behind your back and grab your arms, causing your breasts to protrude prominently from your chest. He reaches down and cups your mound and one of your breasts, causing you to gasp once more. He rubs his hand up and down, stroking your labia and mons, causing you to moan lewdly. He comes across the growing stream of arousal and comments on it.
You hasten to comply, stepping so your legs are about a shoulder's width apart. You cross your arms behind your back and grab your arms, causing your breasts to protrude prominently from your chest. He reaches down and cups your mound and one of your breasts, causing you to gasp once more. He rubs his hand up and down, stroking your labia and mons, causing you to moan lewdly. He comes across the growing stream of arousal and comments on it.
"Oh, my," He says, "You're virtually flooded down here. For someone so innocent, your body sure responds like a dirty slut."
"My," He says, "You're virtually flooded down here. For someone so innocent, your body sure responds like a dirty slut."
At his last last three words, he dips his finger in to find your clit and strokes it with every word, causing you to whimper with each stroke. He reaches further down and circles your clit with his thumb as he moves the rest of his hand lower, prodding at your entrance with his middle finger, causing you to squeal in surprise.  
At his last last three words, he dips his finger in to find your clit and strokes it with every word, causing you to whimper with each stroke. He reaches further down and circles your clit with his thumb as he moves the rest of his hand lower, prodding at your entrance with his middle finger, causing you to squeal in surprise.  
"I guess you weren't lying, you're tight as a drum down here!" He crows, causing you to blush once again as he takes his liberties with your helpless nubile pussy "You're quite the rare find, an innocent slut"
"I guess you weren't lying, you're tight as a drum down here!" He crows, causing you to blush once again as he takes his liberties with your helpless nubile pussy. "You're quite the rare find, an innocent slut."
His words cause you to mewl in lust, as you can't deny his claims. He slowly pushes his finger in, which feels a lot thicker inside of you then they initially looked, causing you to stretch and quiver around his finger as you gasp. Soon he pushes in as far as he can go, and you already feel stretched. You have no idea how his massive cock is going to fit inside your tight little body, if his finger is spreading you out this much.  
His words cause you to mewl in lust, as you can't deny his claims. He slowly pushes his finger in, which feels a lot thicker inside of you then they initially looked, causing you to stretch and quiver around his finger as you gasp. Soon he pushes in as far as he can go, and you already feel stretched. You have no idea how his massive cock is going to fit inside your tight little body, if his finger is spreading you out this much.  
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"Yes," You say breathily as he continues to finger you.
"Yes," You say breathily as he continues to finger you.
[[D&D: He tells you to sit on his desk]]
[[D&D: He tells you to sit on his desk.]]
[[D&D: He bends you over his desk]]
[[D&D: He bends you over his desk.]]
[[D&D: He pushes you down to your knees]]
[[D&D: He pushes you down to your knees.]]
[[D&D: He starts to finger your ass]]
[[D&D: He starts to finger your ass.]]
[[Category:Dungeons and Dragons]]
[[Category:Dungeons and Dragons]]

Revision as of 19:16, 19 September 2017

"Of course" He says, "Just stand here in front of my desk and I shall prepare you for your first lesson in magic, and in amusement."

As you comply, your master retrieves a towel and gently dries your face with it, as you still had some of the water on your face from the scrying pool. You are close enough to him to smell his perfumed scent, and your heart races in anticipation. When he is done. he remains close and eyes you up and down, drinking in the sight of your body as you grow more and more flushed.

"Please be at ease. I will start slowly, and will ease you into this. You have nothing to be ashamed of, you're beautiful," He says softly

This of course simply makes your heart race faster as your body flushes, but with lust in the stead of embarrassment. You force yourself to relax, the tension draining out of your muscles and joints.

"First, I will need you to be disrobed. Please take off your clothing."

You nervously fidget with your dress and look away, embarrassed. You realize if you don't start now, you may never gain the courage to, so you move to unzip the back of your dress. As you unzip your dress, the zipper becomes caught, and with your arms awkwardly behind you, you realize with dread that you do not have the leverage to properly unzip yourself. You're going to have to ask your master to help you undress yourself, a thought that brings the blush in your face all the way to your chest and causes your pussy to clench and moisten in arousal. You slowly turn your back to your master, and look over your shoulder towards him.

"I'm sorry, but could you help me unzip my dress please?" you say in a quiet voice.

"Of course, my dear. I would be a fool to turn down such a request," He says as he approaches you from behind.

He moves behind you and you feel his left hand move to your hip to steady you both. With his right hand, he frees your zipper, pulling it down to the small of your back. He then takes a step back, allowing you to continue.

You turn back around to face him, as you feel it is what he expects. You pull the straps of your silken dress off of your shoulders and allow it to slide down, revealing your taut body, the result of a regular physical regimen. You are now left in just your lacy white panties and bra, feeling quite bare to his eyes, which drink in the sight of you. At this point you are nearly frozen in embarrassment, your body refusing to move. Your master leans in and as he does he asks you in a low voice,

"Would you like me to help you finish? I will warn you that my hands may wander. I might not be able to help myself once we start."

You only manage a slight nod of your head, but that's all he needs. He steps into you, and you nearly melt into him. He runs his hand up your back, expertly unclasping your bra, and he pulls it over your shoulders, exposing your breasts to the air. He steps back from you and brings his hands to your breast, causing you to inhale sharply. He slowly kneads them, taking care to pay special attention to your ultra-sensitive nipples, which are diamond hard by now from arousal. You breathing grows heavier as your lust starts to rise in your chest and in your core, your pussy growing ever wetter.

He continues for a few moments, but then he proceeds to finish undressing you. He moves his hands down your sides, causing you to jump at the ticklish sensation, but his hands hold you gently but firmly in place as his hands slowly reach your hips. He takes a knee as he moves his face close to your sex, clearly smelling your arousal as one of his hands reaches behind you to grab your ass. Simultaneously, one of his hands slides to the front to caress your mound, which has developed quite the wet spot as your pussy floods with arousal. You squeak out in surprise at the boldness of his lewd actions.

"Looks like someone was a little more enthusiastic then you originally let on, aren't you now?" He says with a mix of satisfaction and amusement.

You can't manage anything other than a marginal nod and a small whimper, your head swimming as the butterflies flutter in your stomach. He slowly pulls your panties down, sliding them over your hips, but the crotch of your panties sticks to your wetness causing you to flush once again in mixed arousal and humiliation. Your panties are brought down around your knees and then your ankles. Your legs are shaking in anticipation and nervousness as he encourages you to step out of your panties. You are now completely bare, and to be frank, completely helpless to his advances and desires. Your pussy is clenching and releasing a small, clear stream down your thighs as you stand with your feet together.

He steps away from you and quickly does away with his own garments. You can see his chiseled features even clearer now. His body seems to be cut from marble, each feature muscular and built. His shoulders are wide, and his torso tapers with a V down to his abs. But what you notice first is his prominent cock, bigger than you have ever seen before, it is imposing with its impressive width and jaw-dropping length. You try and fail to stifle a high pitched moan, your attraction to him growing with each moment.

Your master says in a firm voice, "Spread your legs apart and put your hands behind your back so I can see what we're working with here."

You hasten to comply, stepping so your legs are about a shoulder's width apart. You cross your arms behind your back and grab your arms, causing your breasts to protrude prominently from your chest. He reaches down and cups your mound and one of your breasts, causing you to gasp once more. He rubs his hand up and down, stroking your labia and mons, causing you to moan lewdly. He comes across the growing stream of arousal and comments on it.

"My," He says, "You're virtually flooded down here. For someone so innocent, your body sure responds like a dirty slut."

At his last last three words, he dips his finger in to find your clit and strokes it with every word, causing you to whimper with each stroke. He reaches further down and circles your clit with his thumb as he moves the rest of his hand lower, prodding at your entrance with his middle finger, causing you to squeal in surprise.

"I guess you weren't lying, you're tight as a drum down here!" He crows, causing you to blush once again as he takes his liberties with your helpless nubile pussy. "You're quite the rare find, an innocent slut."

His words cause you to mewl in lust, as you can't deny his claims. He slowly pushes his finger in, which feels a lot thicker inside of you then they initially looked, causing you to stretch and quiver around his finger as you gasp. Soon he pushes in as far as he can go, and you already feel stretched. You have no idea how his massive cock is going to fit inside your tight little body, if his finger is spreading you out this much.

"Now, are you ready for the next step?" He asks in a low, husky voice.

"Yes," You say breathily as he continues to finger you.

D&D: He tells you to sit on his desk.

D&D: He bends you over his desk.

D&D: He pushes you down to your knees.

D&D: He starts to finger your ass.

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