Piggy's Day/A laboratory

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< Piggy's Day(Difference between revisions)
Hodari (Talk | contribs)
(Created page with 'You find no power plant. However, there seems to be a lot of sciene-y stuff around. You seem to be in a dark laboratory, possibly but not neccessarily underground. You're startin…')

Current revision as of 13:57, 24 September 2016

You find no power plant. However, there seems to be a lot of sciene-y stuff around. You seem to be in a dark laboratory, possibly but not neccessarily underground. You're starting to feel weird.

Piggy: "Hang on... This is strange."

As if something is building up inside of your head. Not that nasty fluid that almost killed you once, something else. After what feels like several minutes, you realize what's happening.

Piggy: "I'm gaining brain power! That explains my sudden deductional capabilities."

You notice that the clock on the wall seems to be broken. However, your sensory input has increased to the amount that you are able to tell that's not the case. Your brain is functioning so fast that the world seems to slow down.

Piggy: "I'm still unsure of what all of this science equipment is. My increased intelligence doesn't seem to give me more general knowledge."

You decide to fix this. You find a few books from the laboratory, and read through them in a matter of seconds. From the basic information that you gain, your brain begins building up more complex ideas. You're now learning new things based solely on the information given. You then open up and reassemble quite a few of the machines to see how they work. You're beginning to understand more.

Piggy: "This machinery is most definitively the source of my newfound intelligence. I can also tell that I'm located in an abandoned sewer maintenance room somewhere on the outskirts of Los Angeles harbour. But how is John related to all of this?"

The bullet time that you're experiencing extends to your movement as well. This allows you to move at almost supersonic speeds. You run back down into the cave, and inspect the seemingly frozen John, and his living quarters. You read of the books that he has: "Transhumanism for dummies".

Piggy: "So John is attempting to massively improve his own abilities. I assume this is for competitive purposes, as he probably has immersed himself in 'The World's toughest stick-man'-competition: the only light of his life left after I went into a coma."

You memorize John's fingerprints. You use them to deduct whether John has built the machinery, and how long he's been living here. You come to the conclusion that John did not build the laboratory, he probably resorted to stealing them from the University of Los Angeles, some eleven months ago.

Piggy: "The world's toughest stick-man competition ended 11 months ago. I'm assuming John lost last year, and is now looking for inhonest ways to win."

You can feel that the bullet time you're experiencing is beginning to slightly wane. You correctly deduce that the reason for this is that the machines in the laboratory have a certain range, and you're outside of it. You move back into the laboratory. Now you need to stop John, inform the university staff and competition judges about him, and escape. This is a ridicilously easy task in your state. You first build an industrial-sized teleporter and load all stolen machinery on it. Then, you modify the intelligence-boosting machine to lower the person's mental and physical capabilities to your own normal level. This gives you an advantage over body weight, and you can overpower John. As the world slowly starts to move again, you can hear John shouting from downstairs:


John is having a difficult time running up the stairs. As he finally reaches the lab, you're there to greet him.

John: "What's... going on? Piggy, what did you do!?"

Piggy: "A whole load of stuff. All you need to know is I know everything about you stealing this machinery and trying to fraud the 'World's toughest stick-man'-competition."

John: "Oh bugger..."

You push John onto the teleporter, jump on yourself and start it. The custom settings that you enabled cause John to teleport into the local jail, the stolen machinery back to the university, and yourself back to your house. You did gain something from all of this: John goes to prison for theft, and you gain high knowledge of physics, chemistry and mathematics.


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