The Exhibitionist

From Create Your Own Story

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*[[The Exhibitionist/??|Insert some options]]
*[[The Exhibitionist/??|Insert some options]]
[[Take a ride through the park]]
[[Go for a ride down the city streets]]
[[Bike down one of the hiking trails]]
[[Ride down to the beach and do a few laps around the docks]]
[[Travel through a neighborhood you've never visited before]]
[[Category:The Exhibitionist]]
[[Category:The Exhibitionist]]

Revision as of 10:13, 16 March 2016

"Hello Master. I guess I should introduce myself. Lets see, I am Dirty Me. I really like to show myself off. Your job is to tell me how to show myself off. But, before we do, there are some rules."

I hand you a list.

1. If I am arrested, it is over for us.
2. If I am raped, I will leave your sorry ass for putting me in a stupid situation like that.
3. If I am killed, well, I will no longer be around to do anything, now will I?

You look back at me after reading the rules.

"So, please do not instruct me to do things that will get me arrested, raped, or dead..."

You continue staring at me.

"Okay master. I will make it simple. I like to show myself off. A little ankle, a little neck. A little thigh, a little belly. A little nipple, a little pussy. You get the idea. You tell me how you want me to expose myself to others, and I will do it."

Your eyes light up, and I can already see stupid ideas forming.

"Hey hey, slow down! Remember the rules. You wouldn't instruct me to do something stupid like walk naked into a police station, would you?"

You look away, face showing disappointment.

"That doesn't mean I wouldn't, but once I get arrested, it is over for us. You understand, right? I may be your slave, but that doesn't mean I will allow you to destroy my life."

You nod. I can see the ideas churning in your head.

"Okay then, as the master, you tell me how to expose myself. Now, I am not your sex slave. I am not your fuck buddy. Got it? We are not having sex. Your job as my master is to tell me how to expose myself. Here, I will give you an example."

I tell you about one of the times I exposed myself.

I poked my head out the door, watching the darkness for signs of other people. The streetlights glowed eerily in the night, watchful over not another soul.

The road brightened for an instant, a car returning home after a very late night. Or leaving for a very early morning. My heart pounded in my ears, feeling like it might burst out of my chest. It thrilled me with the danger and risk, of a late night bicycle ride.

The car passed, showing no signs of slowing down, until the tail lights dwindled away to nothing. I took one hesitant step out, bare leg exposed to the cold night air.

Standing there, waiting for someone to come by, afraid I would be stopped the instant I tried to go out. I waited, watching, eyes probing the darkness and its pools of light.

When no one else passed by, I opened the door, standing in the front door entrance.

I stood there, in sneakers, perfect to run, or jump, or play. This time these sneakers would be used to pedal around. Moving up from my sneakers were long, bare legs, goose bumps already forming from the cold night air caressing the bare, shaved skin. Further up, a hand held firmly in front of my pubic hair, covering up my naughty part. Realizing how silly this was, I dropped it, showing off my full, red, never shaved fur. At later times, it would be shaved, but not this time, not my first late night bicycle ride.

My stomach, small, tight, marred only by a belly button turned inward, a stomach that was moving rapidly with short, quick breaths. Excitement and fear warred within me, leaving me half panicked, yet thrilled.

Further up was the other arm, placed horizontal across my breasts, covering them as best as the arm could. Just like with the hand lower down, the arm dropped as I shook my head over how silly I was being. There was no one around. No one could see me. Besides, what is the use of taking a naked bicycle ride while trying to cover up my naked parts?

Nipples poking out, caressed by the cold night air, hard, expectant, moved up and down slightly as I made my way to my bicycle.

My throat felt tight, partially from the almost panic I felt, as I swallowed again and again, trying to stop myself from running back into the house, give up this silly ride. This wasn't the first time I had ridden my bicycle late at night, but this was the first time I had ever done it clothed in nothing more than socks and shoes.

My face slipped between worry and delight, my eyes glowing in the night. But my smile, it never slipped. It was so exciting. It was so bold. It was so daring. It was so dangerous. If anyone had seen me, they would have known who I was, my body and face shown to the world.

I bent down, facing away from the road, worried that if another car came by, and I noticed in time, I would dart straight for the house. Busying myself on the lock, I tried to completely ignore the world around me, the blood pounding in my ears.

I turned the numbers one by one, trying to line up the combination in the poor light. The numbers finally lined up, slipping the lock free. Letting it drop to the ground, I rolled the bicycle out to the street, a soft click, click, click, following me. As I reached the street, I looked both ways, ready to let go of it and run into the house, but no one was around at this time.

I felt a thrill run through me as I lifted my leg, my pussy opening up to the cool night air, before putting it back down and straddling the cold metal frame.

I stood there, frozen, hundreds of thoughts tumbling through my brain. Finally squashing my fear and doubt, I put one foot on a pedal, lifted my ass, and pushed down.

The cool air brushed me, welcoming me to the night. I settled my ass on the seat and started pedaling, my destination unknown. As my cheeks settled on the seat, the cold of the seat hit my hot skin. I could feel the soft padding beneath me, the firm material beneath that, supporting my cheeks. As I leaned down, the seat pressed against my pussy lips, the up and down motion of my legs pushing the petals down causing the seat to rub my lips, stimulating me, sending small ripples of pleasure through me with each pedal stroke.

I gathered speed, riding around the block, unsure about leaving the comfort of my neighborhood, a place to quickly escape to. Breasts bouncing, legs pumping, I rode around the block: once, twice, three times. A stray dog or two was out, the occasional living room light still on, but not another soul was around, leaving me free to ride my bicycle naked, without fear, without worry.

As the intoxication wore off, and the sense of worry disappeared, it became less thrilling, and more comfortable; just a nice, invigorating bicycle ride with the air washing over me, cooling my body as I heated up. Sweat formed, lightly coating my forehead, my thighs, my back, and my pussy continued to be teased by the soft, yet firm seat beneath my naked bottom.

Relaxing, and feeling more confident, I ventured further, heading out to the big, wide streets. The relative quiet, empty space of the neighborhoods was replaced by the relative quiet of empty streets and closed businesses. There were a few car headlights here and there, but far away from me, turning before they came too close.

I pedaled along, now feeling absolutely comfortable, like it was nothing. Then, the first car passed me. Going the opposite way, the car was soon past. I stopped, breathing heavily, watching its tail lights dwindle behind, waiting for those lights to stop, to turn around, to come back and find me. Adrenaline coursed through me, my body ready for flight. The tail lights dwindled away into nothing. I stood there, straddling my bicycle, but no one came back to find me. No one came to yell at me. No police showed up to arrest me. I was free.

I started off again, standing to gather my speed again. Soon I was underway again, riding around with no destination.

"So, it is your job to leave me options below on what I will do. But lets start off slow. Lets face it, I haven't done that since I was a teenager, and now that I am a full grown woman, I am more worried and cautious. So, start off slow, please."

"Oh, and I am not doing shit until you tell me. So, get busy giving me options."

I watch you, watching me. I wait, lips parted, wondering what you will have me do.

Take a ride through the park

Go for a ride down the city streets

Bike down one of the hiking trails

Ride down to the beach and do a few laps around the docks

Travel through a neighborhood you've never visited before

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