Blade Quest- Prince

From Create Your Own Story

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(Created page with 'You are awakened from a profound sleep by your manservant, a slight wisp of a child barely hitting his growth spurt. "Wake up, Your Highness," he says, insistently, pulling some …')

Current revision as of 17:05, 19 July 2015

You are awakened from a profound sleep by your manservant, a slight wisp of a child barely hitting his growth spurt. "Wake up, Your Highness," he says, insistently, pulling some unruly red curls back from his face. The captain of the guard, Sir Rodney, said they'd picked him up, along with several others like him, after a raid on the northern kingdom of Skarl, hence the annoyingly thick northern accent and red hair. You roll over with a groan, not yet ready to get up.

"Your highness," he insists. "His Majesty, the king, wishes to speak with you."

"Ugh, couldn't he wait until a more decent hour?" you grumble without opening your eyes.

"It's already past noon," the kid replied.

With a huff you sit up and summon him to you to help you dress. First the tunic, then the stockings, then the belt,and finally the boots. Your manservant has to stand on a stool to reach your shoulders and fasten the clasp on your cape and place your crown on your head. You dismiss him and exit your chamber in search of your father.

You find him in the map room, studying the official map marking the borders of all the kingdoms in Auryn. Theirs, the kingdom of Argon, is the largest and most central of the kingdoms with the other kingdoms bordering them in a ring. Skarl lay in the mountains to the north, Aurora to the east, the desert kingdom of Aridian to the south, and the Wylds to the west. The kingdom of Farayah used to control the Wylds, but that was before the chief mage of Farayah threatened the other kingdoms in an attempt to become overlord of Auryn. That had lead to what was known as the First and Second Orc Wars in which Skarl, Aridian, Aurora, and Argon fought against the mage's orc armies until the orcs retreated underground and nearly all the rebellious mages were subdued. However, the four kingdoms could not agree on who was to control the Wylds and thus the territory remained disputed and relatively unexplored. The biggest problem they now had to worry about was keeping their northern border safe from the raids of the northerners who disagreed with the treatment of the mages over the past fifty years. You already have an idea that what your father wants to speak about is tied to his plan to end the northern raids.

"Son," your father says, when he notices you standing on the other side of the table. "A solution to our problems has been offered to us. King Rasorn has offered a peace agreement if you marry his daughter Elsa in two weeks time."

Health 100 Equipment:

Tunic, Boots, Belt, Cape, Crown

MP None
Level None
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