Talk to Nya about this.

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Current revision as of 12:44, 19 May 2015

It wouldn't be fair to to leave her in the dark again, last time you did that she got rather mad at you and you don't want a repeat of that after how far you had gotten with her.

Turning the T.v off Nya speaks up confused as to why you did it.


Her voice held a tone of sadness in it with your changing of activity, she can tell something is off now but not quite sure as to what.

"Nya... We can't keep running like this. I enjoy the time we've spent together but we can only do it for so long; the weather is getting colder to, and... I'm running low on money. Soon enough we won't be able to stay at hotels and then there goes our gas... which means no car, which means we can travel, which mean-"

Placing her hands on your cheeks she stops you dead cold in your tracks. Stroking your face gently she gives you a warming hug; one of those "it will be ok" kind of hugs.

It helps to clam you down some but the issues still linger at the fringes of your thoughts.

"Thank you...."

Sighing you lean back against the bed frame gazing into the far wall as if the answer was written under the paint. Curling up next to you Nya purrs though its not the same as before, its a somber purr, one of comfort, you take notice and rub her head gently.

The night turns into morning as your awoken with a heavy pressing on your chest, shaking from your sleep your quick to learn that its Nya and not some blood thirsty thug. Pulling you up from the bed in your sleep drunken state Nya is speaking thirty words a second though all it sounds like to you is gibberish.

"What, what...."

A quick swat across the face bring you to the real world as she is holding something small and square in front of you. Having to quickly adjust your eyes to normal conditions it take a few seconds before you understand just what you are looking at. On the small black square is a symbol of sorts; a DNA strand mixed with dual stars on either side of the strands.

"What is it?" You question in a sleepily state still having difficultly understanding of what is going on.

"Nya!" She being to make some game of hand motions and creating shapes with her body.

From what you can understand the place she came from, where ever she was before you found her was a big building, maybe a factory... no some type of lab. That much you had guessed up to this point unless she was just born the way she was now. Going on she relates the small patch to the place were the held her and that it had been sowed on her old clothes; she had removed it as it was she had left of that place though as to why... you're unsure.

"So... this patch, symbol, is from that place, this is their banner... I think?" You take the best guess from what she... did but you've never been good at these things.

"Nya!" She shouts with joy.

"Well, that helps a lot. Why didn't you say this before?" You question more out of curiosity than any type of anger.

Shrugging at your question you take that as either she doesn't know or didn't think about it.

"Alright... That's helps... but if we don't find a way to get more money then...." Nya gives you a small shove as if to sau "don't worry about that".

"Fine... bossy." You grin as you pull her into a tight hug.

With an idea of who might be after you it helps but it doesn't help that much without a wide scan of information to work off of.

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