Fuck Mia's virgin pussy

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 21:03, 14 March 2015

You gently position your phallus over her pussy, testing the waters. It is sandpaper dry, but that won't be a problem - this is about your pleasure, not hers. In one thrust, your entire length enters, stopping just above your balls, as you feel Mia go completely tense. She quivers with the pain as you shatter her hymen and push until you feel as if you must be reaching her cervix. There is a slight sucking sensation at the end that seems to confirm it, just as her inner walls seem to massage your cock.

You pull back, then thrust in once more. Again, she tenses up during the initial impact, and her muscles visibly relax slightly a moment later. Soon enough, you have established a steady rhythm, in, out, in, out. She squeezes her thighs together to try and deny you entrance, but it only helps milk your cock. It doesn't take long for you to come close to cumming, but once again, you put it off.

You are completely thrown when you notice it - hold on a moment, is your rape victim thrusting in sync with you? It is almost as if she is trying to get you to fuck her faster...

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