High Voltage/Who are you

From Create Your Own Story

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[[Category:High Voltage]]
[[Category:High Voltage]]
[[Category:High Voltage Chapter 1]]

Current revision as of 22:11, 20 February 2015

"Who are you?" I asked, my question punctuated with a coughing fit.

The blonde's face expressed concern, "You don't know who I am?" She smiled and giggled, "And I thought I was the drunk one!" She gave me a little shove on the shoulder. As she examined my still puzzled face she continued. "You aren't joking? I'm your roommate, Sarah. Maybe you should get some rest, you really don't look so good."

I shook my head. None of this made sense. I didn't have a roommate. Jess and I didn't even live together yet. Unless...

"It's okay," the blonde said, "I'll give you some time to rest." She stood up and smiled at me one more time before leaving the room.

The blonde left and I was left with just my thoughts. Things weren't adding up and I needed to get to the bathroom. If my suspicions were correct, I needed a mirror. Standing up was a struggle, but I managed. I grabbed my IV bag and went into the bathroom and flicked the light switch. As I slowly looked up to see the mirror, a young brunette was looking back at me. The brunette in the mirror gasped and covered her mouth at the same time I did. I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I staggered closer to see. Something about the girl looked familiar, and I realized she was the girl in front of me in the beer line.

My head was spinning as stepped backwards. I brought my hands up to feel my hair. My fingers twisted through the hair and I pulled it with all my strength; it didn't budge. I stepped back further to see my full body in the mirror and brought my hands down to the new protrusions on my chest. I cupped my breasts as the tears actually began to flow. I couldn't hold them back anymore. I looked into the mirror as I slowly lifted up my hospital gown. As the gown shifted, revealing more and more of my thin legs, I prayed for this all to be some sort of dream, but then my gown was up and I crumpled to the ground. Between my thighs was the thing I feared I would find. I was now a woman; the hairless slit between my legs confirmed it. I sobbed the entire way back to the bed and collapsed onto it.

Should I:

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