A KlAksakAR's adventures in the Empire of MikkoMMM/Recall what you know about the Factory

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Current revision as of 01:15, 27 December 2014

You try to recall what you've seen and what you've heard about the Factory. You know that its full name is The Ideal and All Others Obviating Top Hat Factory, but almost nobody uses the full name since it's pretty clear what they mean since there aren't any others on the planet and only officers are allowed to leave the planet. Its purpose is to design and create the "ideal top hat" for someone called "The Greatest and the Only Emperor of the Universe MikkoMMM". You don't know much about MikkoMMM other than a bunch of rules that their name shouldn't be said without saying the title also and it's illegal to say anything negative about them. Nobody you know has ever seen them, but you have heard they aren't located on this planet. Instead, they usually fly in something called "The Devastator", whatever that means.

The Factory is absolutely immense. You have heard that it along with the living quarters of its workers fill up almost all of the planet's surface. Some space is also reserved for military outposts that thwart any signs of rebellion, launch pads, and for mines that provide materials for the fabricators and life support systems in case recycling cannot be done or there's a shortage otherwise.

The Factory is divided into the manufacturing sector, the administrative and design sector, and the quality control sector. Each of these sectors are divided into multiple sections and they in turn into subsections, rows and columns. The sections that you know of are for oxygen-breathers, water-dwellers and methane-breathers, which are further divided into how much of the gas they contain. There are numerous smaller sections for more exotic species. The subsections are for those creatures requiring higher gravity, a different temperature and different pressures. You aren't exactly sure how many subsections there are, but you imagine the number must be enormous since for every 5 kelvins you've seen another subsection. Species are assigned into rows by their size. Different columns can have different jobs, although there is redundancy for cases where a worker isn't available.

You are a line entity working in the manufacturing sector, 15% oxygen-breathers section, regular gravity regular pressure 295 kelvin subsection, row 67, column 20. Those entities who don't work at all are called cannon fodder and basically don't have any rights.

Almost every species has their own boss or even multiple ones, officially they are known as kompatants. Further up in the hierarchy are corporals who are unofficially called the "supervisors", the allurados who govern a subsection, trenados who govern a section, and degrados who govern a sector. The planet in whole is governed by what are called "officers", the lieutenants, kolorans and the captain. They've got very fancy and heavily guarded living spaces near the launch pads, or so you've heard.

Transportation on the planet and inside the Factory is carried out mostly through vacuum tube trains. However, there isn't transportation to the correct rows and columns, except for those who simply cannot move by themselves. You have to actually walk.

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