Piggy's Day/Shoot yourself
From Create Your Own Story
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Revision as of 08:34, 12 July 2014
You shoot yourself. The gun doesn't do any damage, but you feel weird. Meanwhile inside the facility, the rest of the group are having a shootout with Santa Claus Zombie. They are, however, running out of bullets fast.
Army guy: "I'm out of ammo! You'd think that there'd be more guns laying around in a place like this..."
Woman: "Can't find any."
Army guy: "What's taking Piggy so long?"
Piggy: "Hey, Santa Claws!"
Santa Claus Zombie: "HRM?"
Santa Claus Zombie looks behind, and sees Piggy. He looks strangely opague, and it looks as if he had an outline. Also, his stomach gash has healed.
Santa Claus Zombie: "Är blarrg bla, grlä gräbll?"
Cubehead: "What's happened to Piggy?"
Army guy: "You'll see soon enough."
Santa Claus Zombe takes a large amount of elf grenades, and chucks them all on top of you.
Santa Claus Zombie: "Härrgä Gärnnlä Lahgrä!"
The grenades all go off right in front of you, and some even land on your face. You, however, are left unscratched.
Santa Claus Zombie: "Härg?"
Army guy: "Hah, I knew it'd work!"
A stick-man: "Impossible! That was a direct hit!"
Army guy: "I've taken this course a few times before, and I knew that deTonator would have an Indestro-gun. It makes a person temporarily invulneralbe."
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