VRX 9000: Sex Games / Play her game, but claim the redhead (2)

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'''Main Quest:''' Find the Heirloom
'''Main Quest:''' Find the Heirloom
'''Side Quests:''' None
'''Side Quests:''' Break your slave before Zuna.

Current revision as of 21:29, 29 June 2014

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


"I'll play your game," You say with a smile but step up between Zuna and the redhead and run a hand down to her cunt and squeeze it getting a startled cry out of the redhead, "But I get the redhead." You look at her confidently, and in reality you are. This is exactly what you are good at after all. You turned a bad situation into a possibly beneficial one. And while doing so you are putting on a strong front so this Zuna doesn't consider just randomly turning on you. You give her a smile and the woman just looks at you surprised but amused.

She raises an eyebrow then just steps back, then moves over to the brunette. "Ok, then. I get the brunette. You are bold thief, let's see if it pays off."

You just nod, pressing your body up against the bustful redhead. "As long as you keep your end of the bargain. I break this one first and you have to help me with my quest. Deal?"

Zuna just smiles playfully at that, running her hand up and down the brunette's stomach who is staring daggers into her although Zuna is ignoring it. "And what if I win thief? While I'd probably just do it for fun, let's make things more interesting. If I break mine first... you become my sex slave. How does that sound thief? Still want to play?" You notice her gaze go up and down your body then, the woman actually wants you.

You think about it for a bit, then give her a winning smile and nod. "Game on!" You of course have absolutely no intention of becoming her sex slave if you lose. Things will just get a little... complicated if you lose. And to be honest it'll just put you right back where you started. You only have something to gain here. And you've always found other women's bodies to be fascinating. Playing with these two poor slave girls might just be fun. Not to mention you have plenty to gain if you get the woman to help you. She could be a big asset. Being a hero can wait, you are a thief after all. Not the best of morals.

Turning to your slave you see her look at you nervously, a little bit of drool trailing down her chin from her ball gag. Zuna seems to be going to get some item in the room but you simply run your hands over your slaves body to get a feel for her. She squirms but you don't let her get away taking everything in with her hands. Her large luscious breasts you squeeze and pull and tug on her nipples. She gives a few cries from that, sobbing a little now. Your hands come down her stomach which is nice and flat to her cunt squeezing it again getting another humiliated cry before sliding your hand down her slit getting a gasp then another sob. Then you slide your hands around pushing your body up against her and squeeze her ass good. And wow does she have a good ass! The girl squirms uncomfortably when you do that but you just hold it for a bit and lean against her great tits putting your face right in front of hers. "So, what should I do to you?"

The girl of course doesn't reply and you just grin. "Oh, my choice? Sounds fun." You give her a devilish grin then, running your hands down to spread her ass. "Lets have a little fun down here shall we?" You start spreading her ass and run your head around her body to watch splitting her ass perfectly to show her asshole from behind and a bit of her open slit. "Very hot." The girl just sobs slightly more squirming slightly but you don't let her move away. You then smirk and while holding her ass split you run two fingers down to run over her asshole which causes her to give a small scream of alarm. Ignoring her and amused you slowly run your fingers into her ass getting more and more sobs and gasps. You finally get it nice and accepting though and split it with your fingers two on each side showing her gaping asshole. "Oh, looks like you have a fucking nice big ass don't you?" You say.

The girl just looks over her shoulder slightly, tears streaming down her face. She says something muffled but you ignore her. Suddenly you hear a scream from beside you and look over to see a whip striking the unprotected smaller breasts of the brunette who is trying not to scream from each blow, red stripes appearing all across her chest. Ignoring it you turn back to your pet. "I think I want to fill up your ass pet." And as simple as that you let go of her ass and pull away moving to go find a butt plug. You can't help but have a big smile on your face as you walk away, her eyes lighting up in horror and shock at what you said.

You quickly find a nice and big one and over to her, her eyes locked on it and wide in horror looking to you and shaking her head terrified. You just put it down on a crate next to her though and step up to press your body up against her again. "We have to open you up a little bit more if we want to fit that big boy." You then smile and to her surprise you drop off her ball gag getting a confused look from her.

She looks at you uncertainly not knowing if talking will get her in trouble but quickly risks it. "Please, let me go I... mmmmMMGH!" She says cut off as you lean forward taking her lips in your and locking her in a deep kiss running a hand up to the back of her head. She blushes at the sudden kiss but keeps struggling to pull away but you hold her into it. You bring your other hand up then and take one of her full breasts and give it a big squeeze getting a low moan out of her.

Smirking knowing you are getting through to her you run your tongue into her mouth. She blushes and gasps then, you just squeezes her breasts over and over and the two of you continue to make out. Her breasts are simply amazing! And she is kissing you back you realize, her tongue running along yours! The little slut. Now that she isn't fighting back you drop your hand from the back of her head, stilling getting a good moan out of her as you grab her nipple and tug on it a little as you run your tongue along hers. As she closes her eyes and really gets into it blushing you run your now other free hand down and find her ass giving it a good squeeze. Damn this girl has a nice body! She seems to like it giving a good gasp so you continue, running your hand around to start rubbing her asshole again. Her eyes instantly fly open but your hand molesting her breasts quickly comes up to her cheek keeping her in the kiss.

You start to get gasp out of gasp out of her and before long she is kissing you back again accepting you fondling her asshole for now. Her cheeks are redder though and you finally go a little further sticking the tip of your finger into her ass getting a moan this time making you smile against her lips. She keeps kissing you then so you slide your entire finger right up her ass getting a good loud moan. The bitch fucking likes it! You start slowly finger fucking her ass as you hold her into the kiss, the girl getting more reluctant but you keep her in the kiss. She tries to say something but you just muffle it with your tongue deep down her throat. She finally starts to give up protesting the finger fuck as well, her hips starting to tremble slightly as her ass is penetrated over and over.

Glad to move it even further you leave her cheek with your other hand and run it down to her ass to spread it, pulling your finger out to do so. The redhead looks at you then and you look at her back with a look meaning not to stop kissing. So obedient she doesn't stop, looking nervous but still kissing you back closing her eyes again. Glad things are going so well you spread her ass as far as it goes getting a gasp. To your surprise you see that her pussy seems to be a little wet! The stupid whore! Grinning you move to push two fingers up her ass getting a gasp and a cry out of her but she only pulls away from the kiss slightly letting you pull it back. She keeps gasping and crying out as you slide them further up but eventually you get the two in.

You go all out on her then deciding she is letting you do it all now and start pumping her ass hard with your two fingers getting gasps out of her which almost turn into cries. Letting go of her ass cheeks with your other hand you bring it up to start pulling on her tits against getting her gasps to turn into moans. You just play with her body then fucking her ass slowly but hard with two fingers with your other fingers spreading her ass still as your other hands squeezes her full breasts and pulls on her tits. Before you know it the bitch is moaning as you fuck her fat ass!

Pulling away you move to suck along her neck hearing the moans fully, the redhead blushing deeply but moaning as you tug on her sensitive nipples as continue to fuck her ass. "Oh!! Oh!!! MMmmmm...!"

Finally though you stop sucking on her neck and bring your head back up to look her in the eyes. You stop playing with her then, pulling your fingers out of her ass to go and tug on both of her nipples hard getting a loud cry of pain as she looks at you humiliated. Out of the corner of your eyes you check out your opponent and her progress, you see the brunette is getting a string of large balls shoved up her cunt and sobbing as each one is pushed up, Zuna crouched down in front of her. She still has those fierce eyes though, you still have plenty of time. But how to proceed?


What do you do?


Current Status: 100% - Normal

Current Items: Dagger, Armor, Thieves' Tools

Current Alignment: (8/20) - Neutral

Main Quest: Find the Heirloom

Side Quests: Break your slave before Zuna.


Deadly Focus: x3

Burst of Luck: x1

Vanish: x2

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