Follow Ben back to his car

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Revision as of 02:08, 27 January 2014

Ben heads back to his car and tosses his things inside. He makes a quick call to see if Ryan is around, then makes the quick 5 minute drive to his house. He parks outside and walks up to the door of a nice little ranch style red brick house. The door is open, but Ben knocks anyway to be polite.

"C'mon in!" A voice shouts from inside.

Ben opens the door and walks into the entrance hallway, heading through the kitchen towards the back of the house where he knows his friend is.

"Hey Ryan it's me." He calls as he walks. "Where you at?"

"In my bedroom man." Ryan shouts.

Ben finally gets to the small room and stops, not wanting to go any further. The room is messy, clothes strewn everywhere along with packaging for various electronics. In fact, the only clear space is a small circle around the leather chair at a desk taken up by multiple computer monitors and a large cpu. Ryan spins away from the screens and looks up at Ben, blinking hard. "Hey man, what's up, you said you had something for me?"

"Yea, you know that favor you owe me? I'm cashing in, I have a phone I need you to fix, asap. And by asap I mean by tomorrow the latest."

"Shit. What kinda phone are we talking about?" Ryan's brow furrows as he begins to inventory all the parts he has and which phones he can fix.

Ben takes Alice's phone out of his pocket and tosses it to Ryan.

Surprised, Ryan almost doesn't make the catch, bouncing the phone from hand to hand until he finally snags it. He grins and says, "An iphone eh? Easy, I'll text you when it's done man. These things break so often I've got enough spare parts to probably build 20." He inspects the damage to the phone as Ben turns and starts to walk away.

"Alright, I'll hold you to, see ya later!" Ben says over his shoulder, knowing Ryan is already hard at work. Ryan is already so engrossed in fixing the phone he doesn't hear Ben.

Ben gets back in his car and drives back to campus.

What now?

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