Get an abortion
From Create Your Own Story
(Category: Franklin High: Temptations, Sex, and Drama (WIP: Please Do Not Edit))
Current revision as of 18:06, 9 September 2012
Both of you have talked about it with your parents to hear their opinions because you feel it is important to hear what they have to say, although in some states like Illinois you don’t need a parents permission to have an abortion.
Although you aren't ready to have a baby, you love Karen and are worried about some of the things you have heard about abortions. Some of the myths about getting an abortion are scary, you heard that it is painful, unsafe, and she will have a hard time getting pregnant again, and that it increases her risk of breast cancer. However you have always had a dream of going to your State University and having a child doesn’t quite fit into that plan so the two of you look into it.
It turns out that it is a very safe procedure and much of what you had heard about it was not true. After getting more knowledge about it, you let Karen know what you think but tell her you will support her in whatever she decides to do. Karen agrees with you and decides it would be best to get an abortion. Since she goes to the clinic early in her pregnancy she has the option of taking an abortion pill or an in clinic abortion.
While most of what you had heard about abortions was not true, it is not something you want to go through again. You tell yourself you will make safe sex a priority from now on.
For more information on abortions:
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