Verse/Luka/Focus on Oliver

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(Created page with 'Jess and Will walk on ahead, and you watch them as Rae and Oliver talk away about something or other. "Are those two together, or something?" you ask in a whisper. Your question…')

Current revision as of 18:32, 26 June 2012

Jess and Will walk on ahead, and you watch them as Rae and Oliver talk away about something or other. "Are those two together, or something?" you ask in a whisper.

Your question sends Rae into a fit of laughter, and Oliver rolling his eyes. "No," Rae says, when she called herself. "Jess isn't into guys."

Surprised, your eyes widen. "What about Will?" you ask, almost subconsciously.

"I don't know what that guy's into," Rae answers passively as Oliver shrugs.

You nod, your curiosity satisfied for now, and join them in their conversation.

The walk to the mall is long--nearly an entire hour--but you've all time to waste. Jess and Will had waited at the door, and the five of you enter as a group. The mall's quite empty, considering it is a weekday and most people are either at work or at school.

"What're you gonna buy?" Rae asks Jess.

"I don't know," the girl answers, "I'd like some new shirts. You?"

"Jeans," Rae answers. "You can never have too many jeans." She says with a giggle.

Jess merely shrugs, and the five of you enter one of the more renown stores. Jess and Rae start streaming through the rows upon rows of female clothes, while you, Oliver, and Will follow them around. Occasionally, the girls turn around to show some article, and earn a nod or smile.

Nearly an hour blows away before the girls, each carrying a paper bag, lead you out the front door. Despite blowing away twenty-five Avi between them, they eagerly drag you guys into another store--this one's targeted at teenagers, and you guys join them in the hunting. You specifically spend your time staring at little trinkets and new tees and jeans--this store is one of your favorites to shop at.

Rae comes up behind you as you stare at a shirt decorated with a popular television character. "You like?" she asks.

You look at her, to see if she's holding something; she's not. "Wha?" you reply.

"The shirt," she replies, rolling her eyes.

"Oh," you say, looking back at it, "I guess."

"Want it?" she replies, grinning.

You pout; you don't like being bought stuff often. "Not really," you answer.

"Come on," she says, "I can buy it for you." She grabs one from the stack and holds it to you; it's a medium, and too large, so you sets it back and looks for a small.

"No," you whisper, "it's fine. I'll just come back some other day." You try to drag her away, but she easily brushes you away and finds the small. She holds it over you, and it matches better than the medium.

"Perfect," she says. "Come on." She drags you towards the counter, where the other three are paying as well; Will is carrying a tee, while Oliver a pair of wristbands. You grudgingly get dragged along, and the five of you are soon standing outside the store, all of you holding a bag. You stare at yours, feeling queasy.

"Thanks..." you whisper.

Rae rolls her eyes. "Come on, Luka," she says, "it's not like I just raped you or anything. Smile a little, I just bought you a tee!"

You smirk and giggle slightly, "Thanks?"

"Better," you replies, "but try again."

"Thanks!" you shout.

"Much better," she says and gives you a slight shove.

Oliver suddenly grabs your hand, and you watch unsteadily as he clips a wristband around it. It's made of black leather, and decorated with a few metal symbols--eternity, a star, and another eternity--pressed into the leather. The band itself is kept around your wrist by a skull-shaped button. Forever, Hadar, forever, death; forever under Hadar, banded together by death. You twitch at the silliness of your nation's teen culture. "What is?" you ask.

"I think it's a wristband," Rae answers sarcastically.

You roll your eyes. "Thanks, genius."

"Welcomes." She smiles.

Oliver finishes clipping it on, and looks up you. "I thought it matched you." You look yourself over; a black-haired, blue-eyed, pale-skinned boy dressed in black, white, and steel-blue skinny jeans; can't say you blame him.

You notice a matching one around his wrist; it doesn't so much match him, dressed in jean-blue skinnies and a button-up shirt; hipster. Still, you find him cute. "Thanks," you reply with a smile.

"Oh sure!" Rae shouts, "you smile if it's from Oliver!"

You redden. "Well a wristband doesn't cost twelve freaken Avi!" Each cost six-fifty, or so the cash register claimed.

"It's close enough!" she shouts back.

"Not at all!"

"Ladies, ladies," Oliver interrupts, "calm down. You're both beautiful." All three of you laugh.

You notice it's nearly eleven; still well before school ends, or your parents get home.

The three of you join Jess and Will a few steps away, and Rae says, "Well, that was fun. Video games, anyway?" She points to the arcade, and you lot head over.

It's never one before you all walk out of there, laughing. You lost of the most games you played, as you're not used to most systems--your dad's too much of an ass to buy you any. Oliver and Rae bully you into eating with them again, and the five you buy a pair of pizzas at the food court.

Time strikes two before you're both are finished, and you're all sitting, laughing, and wasting time. After a glance at your watch, you look them over. They're an interesting bunch, a little like your own friends, but quite different. "Well," you start, "I'd love to stick around, but I should get home."

"What??" Rae exclaims. "Why?"

You'd like to get some smoking done before having to get home, as it would be bothersome to run into your father sober. "I don't really stay out late," you answer.

"Come on!" she continues. "Stick with us for some more! We'll even walk you home later!"

You grimace slightly; you'd rather they not know where you live. "But, my parents might get upset if I don't go home soon..." It's honestly a lie; your dad usually grabs a few beers from the fridge and disappears into his room until tomorrow, your mother doesn't know the meaning of the word.

"Pleeease?" Oliver says. "For us?" He hugs Rae tightly and gives you a puppy face.

You roll your eyes and...

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