Wait a couple of minutes until the students come.

From Create Your Own Story

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*[[Stretch your arms]]
*[[Stretch your arms]]

Current revision as of 12:17, 21 July 2016

You wait a couple of minutes.

5 minutes later

Dan has arrived on the class. After that, You see Jack and Ditto. You greet both of them, as they are your friends. Jack responds back with:

"Hey, What's up bro?"

You respond: "I am fine. How about you?"

Ditto says: "Well, It seems we had the same dream. And it's strange, Really."

You say: "I had a really bad dream today. What was yours?"

Jack says: "Well, we didn't really have the same dream, but we had a really bad dream. And it's at the same place. Darkness."

You exclaim: "What the fuck? I dreamed that I was in darkness too!"

Ditto says: "Really? What happened there?"

You respond: "Well, I saw a trial of water appear there,-"

Dan stops your talking, and responds:

"Hey, John, Don't cuss in the class, right?"

You say: "Took you a long time to say that, bro."

You sigh, and you look at them again: You say: "Anyway, I saw a trial of water appear in front of me. I tried to walk on the side of it, but after some time, I get pushed into it and I drowned. And then I woke up. Anything happened like this to you?"

Ditto says: "Well, I saw a bunch of spikes appearing from the ground, and then I woke up. Almost same thing."

And Jack says: "And I saw darkness appearing near me, and then I felt something strange in my legs, Once I looked down, I saw my legs literally turning into ash, and disappearing. Strange dream."

You then say: "It's strange, we had the same dream."

You feel an urge to stretch your arms. Maybe you're tired?

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