Say coldly, "I also do not speak with those who have not earned my trust."

From Create Your Own Story

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m (Say coldly, "I also do not speak with those who have not earned my trust." before moving to stand behind Dany for the remainder of the evening. moved to Say coldly, "I also do not speak with those who have not earned my trust.")

Revision as of 01:35, 7 July 2016

Without even a second glance at him you say. "I also do not speak with those who have not earned my trust." Then before he has a chance to say anything back you stride in the direction he has just come from, bow deeply to Daenerys before silently taking a guarding position behind her and to her left. So you could see everything she was seeing and more, constantly keeping your eyes moving on more than one occasion you saw Drogo looking behind him to glance at you as if he had no idea what you were doing but that quickly passed as the gifting came to an end.

Khal Drogo stood up and left Dany's side and for a moment, though practically terrified of her groom, she looked at a loss without him by her side as if he was the only thing keeping back all of the others. He returned not a minute later grasping reins to a magnificent white filly and held his hand out for Dany to signal it was his gift to her.

'You are not part of a khalasar if you do not ride.' You hear one of Viserys's new 'advisors' telling him as Dany places a delicate hand on the horse's neck. With a hand from Drogo she mounts and rides through the camp so everyone could see her although you, having known Dany from a baby, knew she hated having eyes on her and must have been lost in the joy of riding. No more so was this evident than when she made her new horse leap over a pit fire and a look of glee on her face. Though as she returned to where she started Drogo mounted his own large stallion, a large man needs a large horse to carry him, her smile was lost as she knew what was to come. Sensing her fear you moved to her side and made it look as if you were checking her footing and how she was sitting to make sure she would ride properly. Drogo gave a quick but brief look of disgust and waited seemingly impatiently for you to finish with Dany.

"Do not be afraid my Queen. I have heard that when some men force an unwilling woman they can on occasion be stopped if you are in pain and look him deep in the eye. I don't believe he will try to harm you and if you need my sword you need only scream and I will come with all haste. Be strong my Queen." You say to her quietly before Viserys takes your place at her side and you can instantly see him trying to dig his nails into her flesh while he's positioned in such a way that Drogo cannot see what he is doing. 'You had better make him happy or you'll wake the dragon.' Viserys finally says in his usual threatening way, Dany doesn't reply only steals a glance to find you and you now then bow as she is led away by Drogo. When they are out of sight Viserys turns to you in a rage.

"What in the seven hells did you say to her?! No I don't want to know! Speak to her again and you will wake the dragon!" His finger waves involuntary from the way his arms, chest and head shake with built up rage. It would be hard not to laugh but you manage it, bow and say 'Your Majesty' in a low voice so none other than he can hear you.

Two weeks later you have managed to do enough to sate Viserys and his anger so make your way back to Dany's side as a constant guard. You had been going to her whenever you got the chance so she would not feel completely alone and isolated but now it was just as well that you caught up to her as you saw her riding her horse out of the path everyone else was going and towards a sea of green. You drive your horse hard to catch up but not before Viserys veers away and goes after her. The green grass is higher than any man and thick and would easily allow someone to be lost for days if they did not know where they were going but for now you had fresh tracks and a line of sight only recently broken to aim for. You hear suppressed anger that you know to be Viserys then a slap as flesh hits flesh. You jump down from your horse, sprint forward and through the grass to see Dany trying to push Viserys away from her. When he doesn't and tries to hit her you can't stop yourself from darting between them, lifting and carrying Dany a few steps backwards and out of range from Viserys. Silence falls from behind you so you carefully lower Dany to the ground and bow to her, apologising as you do but then a voice calls from behind.

"What punishment for him khaleesi?" Turning your head while still bowed you see Viserys with a whip around his throat and one of Drogo's and now Daenerys's blood riders with the handle in his hand. "Do you want him dead?"

"No!" Dany nearly cries out, she takes a moment to compose herself then continues. "Take his horse and make him walk at the back of the khalasar." Without another instruction the blood rider does as his khaleesi wishes while Viserys complains loudly and resists every step of the way. "What have I just done?" She whispers to herself but you hear her perfectly and stand so she knows you are still there.

"I wanted to say before but I did not want to even risk you harm from Viserys. He is not the dragon he thinks he is, yes he is Targaryen but so are you. You are every bit as dragon as your brother believes himself to be my Queen. Why should a dragon fear another dragon? You need not be afraid of your brother anymore my Queen. I apologise if my words cause you displeasure, my Queen." You try to sound as humble as possible while letting her know that she had every right to choose what she chose. Dany only nods in agreement before throwing you her sweet beautiful smile and moving back to her horse. You get there a moment before her and offer your hands as a foothold to help her up which she takes with ease, practice for the last two weeks has made it far easier for her and she indeed looks far more comfortable while mounted.

The next incident it when Viserys tries to sneak into Dany's tent while she is feasting in the main tent beside Khal Drogo. You wouldn't normally leave her side but when you saw Viserys sneaking away you had to follow him. You had grown far more suspicious of him ever since his trying to attack Dany in the sea of green, fearful that he might try to hurt her now she is finally beginning to feel safe for once in her life. You see from afar Viserys enter her tent and know that she keeps her gifts in there, all of them including the petrified dragons eggs, all three of them.

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