Unwritten/Chun/Take the man up on his offer.

From Create Your Own Story

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{{Unwritten|Equipment=''Normal jeans, Blue Tank Top, large bag''|Health=100|Stamina=100|Morale=60|Money=800|Inventory=''chinese elegant dress, pink party outfit, 2 water bottles, 1 Boxed Lunch, 7 snacks, Rain Coat''}}
{{Unwritten|Equipment=''Normal jeans, Blue Tank Top, large bag''|Health=100|Stamina=75|Morale=60|Money=800|Inventory=''chinese elegant dress, pink party outfit, 2 water bottles, 1 Boxed Lunch, 7 snacks, Rain Coat''}}

Current revision as of 19:12, 22 March 2015

"Sure, I'm down to try something new today," you respond to the hooded, black man. You follow him as he leads you down some side alleys and twisting sidewalks that finally lead to a what looks like a run-down apartment building. He opens a side door and you follow him inside. The smell of alcohol, mold, and rust hits you immediate and you barely resist puking. As you look around at the run down stairway and the fucked up elevator you start to wonder if this was a mistake. The dealer goes up to a window by the elevator and grabs a key from an older black man with a potbelly. He looks at you and smiles.

"I'll see you later Tyrone," said the man at the counter, as the dealer, Tyrone, leads you up the stairs four levels. On the way up, you brush against a little kid who was running down the steps. He was going to fast he almost made you fall. You finally arrive at apartment 409. "Come inside girl," said Tyrone. You walk in and are not surprised by the sparse room, small television set and the bags of takeout sitting on the kitchen (could it even be called that? The sink stunk of rust and there was grime all over the ground). You are sketched out, but you already decided to go through with this, no point in doubting now. You leave your stuff on a grey bed on the ground and then sit on the couch.

"Here you go," said Tyrone as he hands you a small black pipe with a few white rocks placed inside it. You realize from movies you've seen that this is crack..... "Is there a problem?" Tyrone asks. "No, no, none," you respond, "It's just that I haven't done this before." Tyrone takes the pipe and pulls out a lighter and shows you how it is done. You take the pipe from him and do the same and inhale deeply. Then the light flashed and you felt the best you've ever felt in your entire life. A wave of excitement and euphoria hits you all at the same time and wonder if you could feel like this forever. You didn't even notice as Tyrone put his hand on your leg as he asked, "So, what's your name little girl?"

"My name's Chun," you respond without thinking. "Well, Chun, wanna try another hit?" He asked while he put another rock in the pipe. Your euphoria led the way as you say "Yes" immediately. You took the pipe and inhaled another time and an even bigger wave hit you. It was at that time that you blacked out.

When you wake up, You:

Unwritten/Chun/All your money and stuff is gone

Unwritten/Chun/Are tied to the bed

Unwritten/Chun/Are perfectly fine

Health 100 Equipment:

Normal jeans, Blue Tank Top, large bag

Stamina 75
Morale 60 Inventory:

chinese elegant dress, pink party outfit, 2 water bottles, 1 Boxed Lunch, 7 snacks, Rain Coat

Money 800$
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