SASA:Make a break for the woods!

From Create Your Own Story

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(Created page with 'You rise to your feet, stumbling as your legs panic of their own accord, but finally manage to rise. The keep - sure the stonework would be enough to fend off the dragon. You tur…')
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*[[SASA:Go to Riverwood|Go to Riverwood.]]
*[[SASA:Go to Riverwood|Go to Riverwood.]]
*[[SASA:Go back to Helgen to scavenge|Go back to Helgen to scavenge.]]
*[[SASA:Go back to Helgen to scavenge|Go back to Helgen to scavenge.]]
[[Category: Skyrim: A Sexual Adventure]]

Current revision as of 18:03, 12 August 2013

You rise to your feet, stumbling as your legs panic of their own accord, but finally manage to rise. The keep - sure the stonework would be enough to fend off the dragon. You turn and start towards the imposing stone structure, but before you can take more than five steps, the dragon latches onto the side of the building and knocks down part of the wall, belching hellfire into the building. You decide the keep may not be the best idea.

You spin on your heel and take off at top speed towards the open gate. The courtyard was sizable, the distance great, but your adrenaline pumping at full force makes your flight across the flagstone a short trip. You see the beast's shadow zoom past you, and the great black dragon swoops down. His claws rake the ground next to you, barely missing you. Instead it catches an Imperial archer, tossing him into the air like a ragdoll. He lands not far from you with a sickening thump.

Finally you pass through the gate, followed closely by a pair of prisoners and a cowardly Imperial. The road to the forest is horrifyingly long, but there's no time now to rethink your decision. Any way you chose to go now would be just as dangerous. Your little group instinctively scatters, and just in time. A tongue of flame scorches the ground, barely missing you again and roasting the Imperial. The prisoners don't last long either, one tossed into the air and the other snatched up by the dragon's maw. You don't look back, only halfway to the forest, bolting as fast as your feet will carry you. The dragon, however, turns his attention back to the town.

You duck into the woods at last, finding a rocky ledge leading down the hill and pressing yourself against it, breathing hard. Your chest aches, your unbound breasts' violent jiggling during your escape finally catching up to you as you find the chance to rest. You hear the slaughter go on for a few more minutes, then see the dragon fly overhead, off towards the north. You wait, not wanting to move from your spot until you were sure the beast was gone.

Hours pass peacefully, the wind carrying the smoke and burnt flesh smell away from you. Collecting yourself, you stand and walk to the road. A nearby sign points to a town called Riverwood further down the road, but you're presently unarmed and dressed in only simple rags and footwraps. You know enough fire magic to protect yourself, but a weapon would make you feel a little better and might be able to salvage a few things to sell for some petty coin. But you aren't sure you can stomach going in there so soon after the slaughter. This Riverwood place can't be too far and would probably be safer than a newly created war zone.

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