D&D: Go to the inn and hope they'll still let you in.

From Create Your Own Story

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[[Category:Dungeons and Dragons]]
[[Category:Dungeons and Dragons]]
[[Category: D&D: Female Elven Paladin]]

Current revision as of 13:53, 27 March 2021

It begins to rain and you you rush towards the nearest inn, not realising how shady it is. Hope instill itself in your heart as you see light in the lobby and you rush forward, quickly knocking on the door. You hear a grunt on the other side and a gruff voice answer you : "come back tomorow ! it's late !"

You plead :"Please ! I need a room to stay for the night !"

A small window opens on the door and you see the gaze of a man behind it. He examines you : "... I said it was late."

"Yes I know... I'm really sorry... Please !" you beg.

He ponders a moment. You feel tensed up as you examine the street around, cursing yourself for your frivolity that led to this situation. You're pretty much soaked at this point. Your hair is wet and your clothes are sticking to your skin underneath your armor. Your armor is gonna rust at this rate !You become hopeful again when you hear the door open slowly.

"Come in. I'm not suppose to allow this though."

"Thank you !"

The door open and you see the innkeeper, a rather tall, fat human with a dirty apron. He motion you to come in. You step inside quickly and the man close the door, locking it behind you.

"Thank you so much for letting me-"

He suddenly cuts you and look at you :"I didn't said you can stay the night yet. Like I said, I'm not supposed to do this. I could get fined by the guards if they find out."

You look at him, a little distraught. You didn't realize such law existed in human cities.

"I'm terribly sorry.. I didn't know. I... I have money."

He motions you to keep quiet as he points to the common sleeping area. "Keep quiet will you. and follow me."

You nods, unable to further apologize. He leads you behind the counter and takes a door, leading you down a hall and to another door. He opens the door and invite you inside. You find yourself in some sort of wide food reserve. It smells of bread, meat. It's pretty wide. The man takes a moment to lit some of the torch on the walls to remove the darkness from the room.

"Allright, here we're gonna be able to talk."

You nods and shake yourself a bit to dry off.

He examines you and begins explaining : "Alright, first off, who are you. I've never seen you before ?"

"Oh ! I am paladin from far away land."

"A paladin you say...well then, I might just be able to help you then"

You smile hopefully.

"Like I said earlier, I can get fined if people found out that I took someone in past service hours. So you're gonna have to stay the night here. I can arrange something to be a bit more comforteable. Secondly, while you're here, I need you do everything I say okay ?"

You nods " Of course ! I-"

"Not just lightly. I want you to vow on it to be obedient while you're here. it's important."

You look at him a little before moving your hand to your heart"Certainly. I vow it on my honor as a paladin"

He smiles a bit and it somehow make you a little uneasy. "Go to the door on your right from here. There's a bathroom. Get washed up, I'l come back when you're done to collect the payments for the night."

You nods and he install you with a little corner. It's not gonna be a royal bed, but it should do for the night. Meanwhile, you settle your things down and begin to take off your armor to do. The man soon leaves the room and you grab a towel and soap from your things before heading to the bathroom.

D&D: The room is a bathroom and you wash up

D&D: The room is not a bathroom and you are ambushed

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